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Acta Seismologica Sinica (1979 - 1982),

Papers in Acta Seismologica Sinica (Vol.1, 1979 - Vol.4, 1982),

Seismological Society of China: Acta Seismologica Sinica, Contents, 地震学報論文目録, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979 - Vol.14, No.4, 1992. Section of Earthquake Prediction, State Bureau of Oceanography: A study of relation between variations of the mean level and earthquake occurrence - The variation of mean sea level before the 1975 Haicheng earthquake, 平均海水面の変化と地震との関係−海城地震前の平均海水面変化, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.1-8. Yan Jia-quan, Shi Zhen-liang, Wang Su-yun and Huan Wen-lin: Some features of the recent tectonic stress field of China and environs, 中国とその隣接地域の現在の構造応力場の地域的特性, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.9-24. Liu Wan-qin and Chen Yun-tai: A study of the focal process of the Zhao-tong earthquake(M=7.1), Yunnan Province of May 11, 1974 from the directivity function of Rayleigh waves, レイリ−波の方位関数による1974年 5月11日の雲南省昭通地震の震源過程, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.25-38. Fan Guo-hua, Hou Zuo-zhong, Zhan Zhi-jia and Huang Ping-zhang: The effect of the Tangshan earthquake on the geomagnetic total field in the Beijing area, 北京地域における全磁力に対する唐山地震の影響, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.39-49. Shao Xue-zhong and Zhang Jia-ru: An experimental study of deep structures along the Kangzhuang-Dachang profile near Beijing by observing converted waves of earthquakes, 地震変換波による北京地域康庄−大廠の深部断面構造の実験的研究, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.50-61. Zhuo Yu-ru, Huang Wei-qiong, Chen Pei-shan and Li Wen-xiang: Stress field of the source region previous to the 1976 Yan-yuan earthquake (M=6.9) as deduced from the viewpoint of fracture mechanics, 破壊力学の視点による1976年塩源地震の発震応力場の推定, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.62-75. Xu Shi-zhe: On the piezo-magnetic effect and dilatancy-magnetic effect, ピエゾ磁気効果とダイラタンシー磁気効果, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.76-81. Shen Xian-jie and Lu Xiu-wen: A steady state plate method of measuring thermal-conductivity of rock samples, 岩石の安定平板熱伝導計, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.82-90. Group Investigating Geothermic, Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica: The first portion of data of terrestrial heat flow measurements in China, 中国大地熱流量デ−タの最初の研究, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.1, 1979, pp.91-107. Huan Wen-lin, Shi Zhen-liang, Yan Jia-quan and Wang Su-yun: Characteristics of the recent tectonic deformations of China and its vicinity, 中国と隣接地域の現在の構造変形特性, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.109-120. Xu Zhong-huai, Liu Yu-fen and Zhang Ying-zhen: On the characteristic of direction of the earthquake stress field around the Beijing area, 北京、天津、唐山、張家口地域の地震応力場の方向特性, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.121-132. Lin Bang-hui, Chen Yun-tai, Wei Fu-sheng and Li Zhi-yong: A study of asymmetrically bilateral rupture process with application to the Haicheng earthquake, 非対称双方向破壊過程の研究とその海城地震への応用, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.133-149. Wang Ze-gao: Frequency of aftershocks of the 1966 Xingtai earthquake and the subsequent strong earthquakes of North China, シン台地震の余震頻度の増加と以後に発生した華北の大地震(シン:形のヘンに 邦のツクリ), 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.150-153. Wang Bi-quan, Yang Jin-ying and Wang Chun-zhen: Pseudo-periodicity of strong aftershocks, 大余震の準周期性, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.154-165. Luo Ming-jin, Gu Meng-lin, Wang Bao-zhai and Liu Bi-yu: Estimation of accuracy of the results of repeated measurements for gravity base points, 重力基準点における反複測量結果の精度の推定, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.166-185. Tang Guo-xing: A general method for determination of earthquake parameters by computer, 計算機による地震パラメータ決定の一般的方法, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.186-196. Wu Ru-shan and Xu Shao-hui: Digital holography applied to borehole electromagnetic wave exploration, 数値ホログラフィー法のボーリング坑内電波探査への応用, 地震学報, Vol.1, No.2, 1979, pp.197-213. Huang Fu-ming and Wang Ting-yun: The stress field of a dislocating inclined fault, 傾斜断層のずれ運動で発生する応力場, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.1-20. Chen Yun-tai, Gu Hao-ding and Lu Zao-xun: Variations of gravity before and after the Haicheng earthquake, 1975 and the Tangshan earthquake, 1976, 1975年海城地震と1976年唐山地震前後の重力変化, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.21-31. Wang Ren, He Guo-qi, Yin You-quan and Cai Yongーen: A mathematical simulation for the pattern of seismic transference in North China, 華北地区における地震の移動様式に関する数値モデル, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.32-42. Feng De-yi, Wang Zhou-yuan, Gu Jin-ping, Sheng Guo-ying and Li Ke-long: Anomalous variations of seismic velocity ratio before the Songpan-Pingwu earthquake (M=7.2) of 1976, 1976年四川省松潘−平武地震前の地震波速度比の異常変化, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.43-54. Shi Hui-xin, Cai Zu-huang and Gao Ming-xin: Anomalous migration of shallow groundwater and gases in the Beijing region and the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 北京地域における浅層地下水とガスの異常移動と唐山地震, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.55-64. Wang Chang-ling, Yao Qing-chun and Long Ming: On the abnormal characteristics of radon contents in the spring waters north of the epicentral area of the Sungpan-Pinwu earthquake before its occurrence and their cause, 松潘−平武地震前の震央より北部の地域における湧水のラドン含有量異常の特性 とそれを起こした原因, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.65-73. Zhao Hong-sheng: The characteristics of atmospheric pressure field before strong and moderate earthquakes occurred in Yunnan Province, 雲南省の中地震、大地震前の気圧場の特性の分析, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.74-79. Zhu Cheng-xi: The formulae for calculating the magnitudes of the late maximum near and far earthquake events associated with great earthquakes, 大地震による晩期の最大近地地震と遠地地震のマグニチュードの計算式, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.80-89. Deng Qi-dong, Zhang Yu-ming, Huan Wen-lin, Zhang Hong-sheng, Xu Gui-lin, Liu Yi-ming, Deng Rui-sheng, Li Qun, Fan Fu-tian and Yang Tian-xi: Principles and methods of composing the seismic zoning map of China, 中国地震震度ゾーニングマップの編集の原則と方法, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, pp.90-110. The founding of the China Seismological Society, 中国地震学会の成立, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.1, 1980, p.111. Zhang Zhi-li, Li Qin-zu, Gu Ji-cheng, Jin Ya-min, Yang Mao-yuan and Liu Wan-qin: The fracture processes of the Tangshan earthquake and its mechanical analysis, 唐山地震の破壊過程とその力学的解析, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.111-129. Hua Xiang-wen: Stress variations in the region around Beijing and Tianjin before and after the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 唐山大地震前後の北京、天津周辺地域における応力の変化過程, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.130-146. Huang Zhong-xian, Wang En-fu, Liu Chang-yi He Cheng-en and Zhang Bao: Directions of tectonic stress and solutions of earthquake source mechanisms, 構造応力の方向と発震機構解, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.147-152. Xu Shao-xie and Shen Pei-wen: Some features of earthquakes distribution around Beijing and crustal buckling, 北京周辺地域における地震分布の特性と地殻の座屈, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.153-168. Luo Zhuo-li: Stress deformation and tilt fields of the earthquake sources, 震源応力場、変形場および傾斜場, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.169-185. Qian Fu-ye and Zhao Yu-lin: Ten examples of changes in earth-resistivity prior to strong earthquakes, 地震前の大地電気比抵抗変化十例, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.186-197. Luo Guang-wei and Shi Xi-zhong: Experimental results of radon and thorium emanations from rock specimen under pressure, 圧力下における岩石試料からのラドンとトリウムの放射量に関する実験結果, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.198-204. Cai Zu-huang: Earth tides and seismic waves recorded by the level fluctuations in a deep borehole at Wali near Beijing, 北京ワ里深井戸の水位変化に記録された地球潮汐と地震波(ワ:サンズイに圭), 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.205-214. Han Yuan-jie: Some relations between microbaromic waves and earthquakes, 微気圧波と地震, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.2, 1980, pp.215-226. Jin An-shu, Shen Pei-wen and Yang Jin-ying: On the anomalous variations of velocity ratio of seismic waves in the Beijing region, 北京地域における地震波速度比の変化, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.227-235. Geng Nai-guang, Chen Yong and Yao Xiao-xin: Stress path and precursors of rupture, 応力過程と破壊前兆, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.236-244. Lin Ji-zeng, Liang Guo-zhao, Zhao Yi and Xie Ming-fu: Focal mechanism and tectonic stress field of coastal Southeast China, 東南沿海地域の発震機構と構造応力場, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.245-257. Wei Guang-xing and Li Bing-feng: Two small earthquake swarms at Miaodao archipelago, Shandong Province, in spring 1976, 1976年春の山東廟島群島の2つの小群発地震, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.258-267. Qi Gui-zhong: On the effectiveness of the measurement of geomagnetic total field in monitoring the seismo-magnetic phenomena, 地震−地磁気効果の観測における全磁力値の有効性, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.268-280. Song Liang-yu, Zhang Jian-zhong, Yu Shu-jun, He Shu-yun and Wang Zheng-hua: Stochastic models for earthquake occurrence, 地震発生の確率モデル, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.281-293. Niu Zhi-ren: Unusual seismic activities before and after some strong and moderate earthquakes in western China, 我国西部地域のいくつかの大地震と中地震前後の異常地震活動, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.294-303. Jiang Jin-chang: Animal abnormal behavior is an earthquake short-term precursor, 動物の異常行動は1つの地震直前の前兆である, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.304-313. Wang Jing-ming: Distribution of underground seismic intensity in the epicentral area of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 1976年唐山地震による地下構造物震害の分布法則, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.314-320. Zhu Cheng-nan and Liu Yu-quan: On the quadrant pattern of strain distribution of the Tonghai and Dongchuan earthquake, Yunnan Province, 雲南通海地震と東川地震による地面ひずみの象限分布, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.321-331. Zhu Hu and Feng Hai-ying: Calibration of quartz horizontal pendulum type tiltmeter, 石英製水平振子型傾斜計の定数測定, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.332-341. Memorial to professor Li Shan-bang, 李善邦先生の逝去, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.3, 1980, pp.342. Gu Hao-ding and Cao Tian-qing: Precursory earthquake swarm and the polarization of S-wave, 前兆地震群とS波の偏向, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.343-355. Cheng Ji-fen and Lu Song-jin: Vertical ground surface deformation before and after the 1976 Songpan-Pingwu earthquake, 四川松潘−平武地震前後の地殻上下変動, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.356-367. Li Xing-cai and Gu Hao-ding: On the attenuation of seismic waves through the Haicheng earthquake area, 海城地域の地震波の減衰特性, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.368-377. Ding Wen-jing: Physical basis of earthquake prediction by the b-value, b値による地震予知の物理的基礎, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.378-387. Li Zi-qiang, Liu Yi-ming, He Jing-hao and Tian Kang-yuan: A preliminary study of the process of development and occurrences of a series of recent strong earthquakes in North China, 華北の現代における大地震シリーズの発生過程の研究, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.388-394. Yan Jia-quan, Shi Zhen-liang, Huan Wen-lin and Wang Su-yun: The characteristics of fault plane solutions of strong aftershocks, 大余震の断層面解の特性, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.395-403. Zhuang Kun-yuan and Liu Wen-long: A local internal stress model of tectonic earthquakes, 構造地震の局部的な内部応力モデル, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.404-412. Wu Qing-peng, Yu Shu-jun and Zhou Jia-qing: Harmonic analysis of the gravity tidal data observed at the Shanghai station from April to August, 1978, 上海観測点の重力地球潮汐観測結果(1978年 4月− 8月)の調和解析, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.413-424. Shi Hui-xin and Cai Zu-huang: Case examples of peculiar phenomena of subsurface fluid behavior observed in China preceding earthquakes, 我国で現れた地震前の地下流体の異常の実例, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.425-429. Wang Jing-ming: Ground ruptures during the large earthquake of 1556, Huaxian County, Shanxi, 1556年陜西省華県大地震の地割れ, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.430-437. Li Zheng-meng, Li Tong-qi and Yang Guan-de: Type JSZ-2 intermittent/ continuous digital and automatic radon measuring instrument, JSZ−2型間欠/連続式ディジタル自動ラドン計, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.438-446. Lin Jin: A reciprocity method for calibrating electromechanical transducers and seismographs, 電磁−器械式換振器と地震計の較正に用いる互換法, 地震学報, Vol.2, No.4, 1980, pp.447-452. Xu Shao-xie, Wang Bi-quan, Zhang Guang-yue (M.Lucile Jones), Ma Xiu-fang and Shen Pei-wen: The foreshock sequence of Haicheng earthquake and earthquake swarm - the use of foreshock sequences in earthquake prediction, 海城地震前震系列と群発地震−地震予報における前震系列の有効性について, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.1-10. Zhang Ying-zhen: On the anomalous crustal bulge and aseismic creep prior to the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 唐山地震前の地殻の異常隆起と地震を伴わないクリープ, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.11-22. Gao Shi-jun and Chen Yong-cheng: On the Hanjiang-Danjiangkou reservoir earthquakes, 漢江丹江口ダムの地震, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.23-31. Chen You-fa and Lu Yang-quan: Annual variations in direction of earth resistivity and the tectonic stress field in continental China, 大地電気比抵抗の年変化の方向性と中国大陸の構造応力場, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.32-40. Chen Yong: Acoustic emission of rocks under triaxial compression along various stress paths, いろいろな応力過程における3軸圧縮下の岩石のAE, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.41-48. Yao Xiaoーxin: Observation of microcracks within gabbro in experiments along various stress paths, いろいろな応力過程におけるガブロの微破壊特性, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.49-54. Zhang Wei and Lin Yi-yao: Preliminary study on the application of hydrogeochemistry to earthquake prediction, 地下水化学による地震予知の研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.55-60. Zhu Cheng-xi: Distribution laws of recurrence periods and magnitude sequence of great earthquakes in mainland China and its surrounding regions, 中国大陸とその隣接地域における大地震の再来周期と規模の分布法則, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.61-68. Wu Rong: Continuous prediction of large earthquakes, 大地震の連続予報, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.69-80. Ma Qing-yun: On the 768 type radio seismic telemetry equipment, 768 型無線地震テレメータ装置について, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.81-89. Fu Rong-shan and Wang Xi-li: Pulse response and initial motion of a seismometer coupled with a galvanometer, 検流計と連結した地震計のパルス応答と初動の解析, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, pp.90-101. A seismological symposium under the joint sponsorship of the Chinese Seismological Society and the State Seismological Bureau, 中国地震学会と国家地震局共催の地震学専業学術討論会, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, p.102. Outline of talk given by professor Gu Gong-xu, President of the Chinese Seismological Society on a plenary session of the Seismological Symposium, 顧功叙理事長の地震学専業学術討論会における発言の概要, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.1, 1981, p.103. Zhu Chuan-zhen, Fu Chang-hong and Luo Sheng-li: Study of earthquake swarms in relation to large earthquakes ( North China area), 地震群と大地震の関係の研究(華北地区), 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.105-117. Fu Zheng-xiang: Certain characteristics of the seismic activity preceding the Haicheng earthquake of May 18, 1978 of magnitude Ms=6.0, 1978年 5月18日海城のM6地震前の地震活動のいくつかの特性, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.118-125. Zhao Jin-rui: On the strain and recent crustal movement of central and South Shandong Province, 山東省中南部のひずみ場と地殻の最新運動, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.126-134. Qian Fu-ye, Zhao Yu-lin and Zhao Cheng-da: On the correlation of variation of earth-resistivity and underground water level at shallow depths around the epicenter before and after the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 唐山地震前後の震央周辺浅部の大地電気比抵抗と地下水位変化との相関関係, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.135-142. Gao Yu-fen and Qi Yan-qin: On the spatial distribution of the diurnal variation of the geomagnetic vertical componnent in China and the movement of the foci of upper atmosphere current system, 中国地域における地磁気鉛直成分の日変化振幅空間分布と高層電流体系の焦点位 置移動, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.143-151. Zhang Guo-dong: Deviation of the vertical caused by change of ground water level before a strong earthquake, 大地震前の地下水活動によって引き起こされる鉛直線偏差, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.152-159. Dong Song-sheng, Ge Huan-cheng, Luo Rong-lian, Xu Zhao-yong and Wang Feng-qi: A case example of medium term prediction of an strong earthquake, 地震波速度比変化による中期地震予報成功の実例, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.160-169. Zhao Hong-sheng: On the trigger action of the abrupt change of atmospheric circulation on the occurrences of strong earthquakes, 大気循環の突然変化の大地震に対する引き金作用について, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.170-176. Huang Shi-qi and Lin Ji-zeng: An application of the theory of failure rate to earthquake prediction, 故障率理論の地震予知への応用, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.177-187. Qian Pei-feng: The simplified methods for calculating the horizontal component of earthquake force acting on a chimney, 煙突にはたらく地震による水平力の簡単な計算法, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.188-196. Guo Lu-can, Tang You-mei, Yan Zhi-de, Wang Zhi-gang, Yang Shu-bin, Wu Ming-xi and Jin Gui-fang: P and S travel times from earthquakes in the Chinese region, 中国地域における地震のP波とS波の走時表, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.197-210. Zhang Li and Jiang Zai-xiong: Arguement on Xu Ze-chun's memorial of the 1850 Xichang earthquake to the throne, 徐沢醇の1850年西昌地震の記述に対する質疑, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, pp.211-215. A committee on earthquake precursors was formed under the Chinese Seismological Sosiety, 中国地震学会地震前兆專業委員会の成立, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, p.216. The second meeting of the Standing Council of the Chinese Seismological Society, 中国地震学会常務理事会第2回会議, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.2, 1981, p.169. Zhao Guo-guang and Zhang Chao: Quasi-static deformation accompanied by precursory creep and post-seismic fault slip - A model and some observation examples, 前兆クリープと地震後の滑りに伴う準靜的な変形−モデルと観測例, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.217-230. Cheng Er-lin: Recent tectonic stress field and tectonic movement of the Sichuan Province and its vicinity, 四川とその隣接地域における現在の構造応力場と現在の構造運動の特性, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.231-240. Yang Guang-yu: A preliminary study on earthquakes and stress field in Yunnan, 雲南地域の地震と応力場の初歩的研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.241-250. Cheng Pei-shan: An estimation of crustal stress value from analysis of seismic waves, 地震波の解析による地殻内の応力値の推定, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.251-263. Gao Xi-ming, Yin Zhi-shan, Wang Wei-zhong, Huang Li-juan and Li Jian: Triggering of earthquakes by the tidal stress tensor, 地球潮汐の応力テンソルと地震誘発作用, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.264-275. Hu Hui-min, Jin Zu-bin, Kuang Shao-jun and Zhao Xue: Ground surface deformation caused by the change of ground water level, 地下水位の変化による地面の変形, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.276-282. Huang De-yu and Feng Hao: Time and space scanning of parameters of seismicity over a broad region before strong earthquakes, 大地震前の広域地震活動のパラメータの時空間走査, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.283-291. Zhang Jian-zhong and Song Liang-yu: On the method of estimating b-value and its standard error - The Monte Carlo method of estimating the accuracy of b-value, b値の推算方法とその標準偏差−モンテカルロ法を用いたb値の精度の推定, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.292-301. Zhao Hong-sheng: A statistical study of medium-range prediction of strong earthquakes in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces by atmospheric precipitation (drought and flood), 干ばつと洪水変化を用いた四川と雲南地域の大地震中期予報の統計的研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.302-311. Guo Lu-can and Pang Ming-hu: Surface-wave magnitude of earthquakes and its station correction, 表面波マグニチュードとその観測点補正値, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.312-320. Cheng Yong, Yao Xiao-xin and Xie Hong-sen: Studies on fracture of gabbro, ガブロの破壊の研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, pp.321-328. A brief introduction of the Chinese Seismological Society, 中国地震学会概況, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, p.331. A committee on earthquake engineering was formed under the Chinese Seismological Society, 中国地震学会地震工学專業委員会の成立, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, p.334. Film, video tape and colour photo album of the disaster of Tangshan earthquake completed, 唐山地震被害資料映画、ビデオおよびカラー写真集の完成, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.3, 1981, p.328. Feng Rui, Zhu Jie-shou, Ding Yun-yu, Chen Guo-ying, He Zheng-qin, Yang Shu-bin, Zhou Hai-nan and Sun Ke-zhong: Crustal structure in China from surface waves, 地震表面波を用いた中国の地殻構造の研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.335-350. Luo Zhuo-li and Cheng Wan-zheng: On the earthquake displacement field and mechanical character of intraplate earthquake sources, 地震の変位場とプレート内地震の震源の力学的性質についての議論, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.351-360. Zhang Shao-quan, Lin Chu-zhen and An Chang-qiang: A preliminary study of the form of the Moho-discontinuity in the Beijing area, 北京地域のモホ面の形状に関する初歩的研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.361-370. Zhu Cheng-nan, Liu Yu-quan, Wang Chun-yong, Lu Ru-qi and Chen Jian-de: Triangulation net adjustment and the focal parameters of the 1964 magnitude 5.3 earthquake of the Xinfengjiang reservoir area by inversion, 新豊江ダムのM5.3(1964)地震地域における三角測量網データからインバージョ ンで求めた震源パラメータ, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.371-378. Wang Ke-lu, Liu Hui-min, Hu Bi-ru, Cai Ling-duo and Sheng Xue-bin: A discussion on the depths of liquefied sandy soils in Beijing and adjacent regions during the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 唐山地震時の北京とその隣接地域の砂層液状化の深度の研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.379-389. Yang Jing-chun, Lin Wei-fan, Jiang Ming and Li Ge-ping: Recent tectonic movement of the Babaoshan fault near Beijing and its relation to earthquake occurrences, 北京八宝山断層帯における最近の構造活動と地震との関係, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.390-398. Zhang Chao and Zhao Guo-guang: Change in gravity caused by fault movements, 断層活動の重力に及ぼす効果, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.399-409. Wei Wen-yuan: Establishment of a base line for calibrating gravimeters and discussion of the errors involved, 重力計検定基線の設置とその誤差に関する議論, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.410-420. Jin An-zhong: A preliminary study on the relation between normal temporal variation of earth resistivity and the geoelectrical profile at the station site, 大地電気比抵抗の正常変化と電気的断面との関係, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.421-428. Jiang Jin-chang and Liu Xiang-qun: A study of the relation between acoustic emission and animal unusual behavior prior to earthquakes, 地震前のAEと動物異常との関係の研究, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.429-439. Shen Meng-pei: Transient response of seismographs, 地震計の過渡特性, 地震学報, Vol.3, No.4, 1981, pp.440-446. Dong Song-sheng, Huang Cai-zhong, Lin Ming-zhou, Zhou Bao-zheng, Sun Qing-xuan, Zhu Hai-lin and Lu Zhen-fei: Precursory velocity variations by artificial wave sources - Temporal changes of apparent velocity- ratio prior to the Liyang Jiangsu earthquake of July, 9, 1979, 人工振源を用いた地震前の地震波速度変化の探査−リ陽M6地震の例(リ:サンズ イに栗), 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.1-13. Zhuo Yu-ru, Li Wen-xiang and Gong Zhen-xiong: A study of the rupture surfaces and velocity of propagation of rupture of small and medium size earthquakes based on their "Doppler effect", ドップラー効果を用いた中小地震の破壊面と破壊伝播速度の研究, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.14-26. Liu Wan-qin and Huang Jia-zheng: A study of fracture process of earthquakes with magnitudes Ms=5-6 by the generalized directivity function of Rayleigh waves, レイリー波の一般化した方向関数を用いたM5-6地震の破壊過程の研究, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.27-34. Ma Hong-qing and Wang Rong-jun: Anomalous variations of the energy E before large and moderate earthquakes, 大中地震前のエネルギーEの異常変化, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.35-44. Zhou Hui-lan, Fang Gui-rong, Zhang Ai-di and Jiang Chang-ning: The duration of the aftershock sequence, 余震系列の継続時間, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.45-54. Li Qin-zu, Jin Ya-min and Yu Xin-chang: Focal mechanisms and crustal stress field in North China, 華北地区の発震機構と地殻応力場, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.55-61. Jin Ya-min, Chen Yun-tai and Yu Xin-chang: Source parameters of the aftershocks and the quality factor of the crustal medium under the Tangshan area, 唐山地震余震の震源パラメータと地殻媒質のQ値, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.62-67. Wang En-fu, Wei Qing-yun and Liu Ming-da: Three dimensional seismic model study for the initial motion of actual fault, 実際の断層の初動に関する3次元地震モデルの研究, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.68-73. Lin Yun-fang, Zeng Xiao-ping and Guo Qi-hua: An analysis of the geomagnetic secular variation of North China, 中国華北地区における地磁気の長期変化の解析, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.74-83. Yang Cheng-shuang: Temporal and spatial distribution of anomalous ground water changes before the 1975 Haicheng earthquake, 1975年海城地震前の地下水異常の時空間分布, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.84-89. Wang Jing-ming: Direction of fall of surface structures and ground motion during strong earthquakes, 地表建築物倒壊方向と強震動, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.90-97. Chi Shun-liang: Preliminary experimental result of a capacitance-type bore-hole earth strain mater, 静電容量式坑中ひずみ計の初歩的実験結果, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, pp.98-103. , 国家地震局と中国地震学会前兆専業委員会の共催による“地震総合予報学術討論 会”, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, p.104. , 中国地震学会前兆専業委員会の全体会議, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, p.104. , 中国地震学会地震地質専業委員会の“中国大陸地震構造と地殻動力学学術討論会” 開催, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, 巻末. , 華東地震工作協力区の地震学学術交流会, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, 巻末. , 中国地震学会普及工作委員会の成立, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.1, 1982, 裏表紙. Wang Bi-quan, Yang Jin-ying and Wang Chun-zhen: Pattern recognition of seismicity before strong earthquakes, 大地震前の地震活動のパターン認識, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.105-115. Lin Bang-hui, Wei Fu-sheng, Liu Wan-qin and Wang Xin-hua: On certain features of rupture of the northwesterly Liyang-Jiexiu-Wuyuan strong earthquake belt, リ陽−介休−五原北西地震帯の大地震の破壊特性(リ:サンズイに栗), 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.116-126. Ding Wen-jing: A method for defining dangerous areas of impending strong earthquakes, 大地震危険区を特定する1つの方法, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.127-135. Cheng Er-lin, Li Gui-fang and Chen He-chuan: On the direction of the maximum compressive principal stress before and after the 1976 Songpan-Pingwu earthquake (M=7.2) of the Sichuan Province, 1976年四川省松潘−平武M7.2地震前後における主圧縮応力軸の方位特性, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.136-148. Yu Zhao-kang, Cai Shi-huang, Lin Jia-tao and Wang Ping-lu: Observation of the hydrochemical effect of mine blast at Yongping, Jiangxi Province, 江西永平の爆破の地下水化学的効果, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.149-159. Tang Shun-shan and Yang Jia-feng: Strain adjustment in the earthquake source region and the variation of radon content in water, 震源域のひずみ再配分と地下水中のラドン変化, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.160-168. Jin An-zhong: On the sudden change of earth resistivity near the epicentral area just prior to the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 唐山地震の震央近傍における大地電気比抵抗の地震前の急変現象, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.169-173. Huang Li-ren: Application of the correlation adjustment method in strain analysis, 相関補正法のひずみ解析への応用, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.174-181. Yang Guang-yu: A study of strong earthquakes and the tectonic stress field of southwestern China and its adjacent areas, 我国西南地区と隣接地域における大地震活動と構造応力場に関する研究, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.182-189. Li Zhang-nan: Jumping migration of great earthquakes on the North-South Seismic Belt of China and their statistical prediction, 我国“南北地震帯”における大地震の飛び火的移動とその統計的予測, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.190-198. Hu Yu-xian, Zhang Ji-dong, Zou Xi-lin and Qi Xin: Functional relations of bedrock motion parameters with earthquake magnitude and distance, 基盤岩の地震動パラメータとマグニチュードと距離の関数関係, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.199-207. Gu Hao-ding: Seismological studies of the 1975 Haicheng earthquake, 海城地震の地震学的研究, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.208-215. , 中国地震学会地震観測技術専業委員会の学術討論会と専業委員会会議, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, p.215. , 国家地震局と地震学専業委員会の共催による地震活動パターン学術討論会, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.2, 1982, pp.216. Liu Chang-quan and Yang Jian: A preliminary survey of the crustal velocity structure beneath the Beijing-Tianjin region and its environs, 北京、天津とその周辺地域における地殻速度構造の初歩的探査, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.217-227. Chen Pei-shan, Liu Zu-yin, Kan Rong-ju and Qin Jia-zheng: An estimation of shear stress values of the surrounding regions before and after the major Tonghai earthquake of 1970 from both the magnitudes ML and Ms of minor earthquakes, 中小地震の規模MLとMsから推定した1970年通海地震前後の震央周辺地域のせん断 応力値, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.228-238. Xu Shao-xie and Shen Pei-wen: Seismicity pattern, 地震活動パターン, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.239-250. Zhuo Xiu-rong and Ye Wen-yan: Assessment of earthquake sequence types by means of the apparent seismic wave amplitude ratio variance, 見かけ地震波振幅比の変化を用いた地震系列の型の判別法, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.251-263. Zhao Yu-lin and Qian Fu-ye: On certain periodic variations of the telluric electric field before and after the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 唐山地震前後における自然電場の周期的変化, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.264-273. Su Luan-sheng, Wang Bang-ben, Xia Liang-miao and Li Yan-xuan: Elimination of surface disturbances in earth-resistivity measurement by lowering the electrodes in shallow wells, 坑井中電極による電気比抵抗観測での地表ノイズの除去に関する実験, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.274-276. Zhou Xi-yuan, Dong Jin-cheng, Fu Shen-cong, Zhang Zai-ming, Yang De-lin and Tang Hai-shan: Micro-zonation of seismic effect in Beijing City, 北京市における地震の局地的影響, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.277-285. Wang Zhong-qi and Zhao Shu-dong: The behavior of ground movement of a site as a whole during earthquakes and its possible effects on engineering constructions, 地盤の地震動特性とその構造物への影響, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.286-293. Fu Sheng-cong and Jiang Jing-bei: A simplified procedure for evaluating maximum response of soil layer during an earthquake, 地震時の土層最大応答の簡単な評価法, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.294-300. Li Fu-min: Method of data processing for strong motion accelerograms, 強震加速度記録のデータ処理法, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.301-307. Li Bao-xiang, Ni Da-lai, Gou Shao-ren and Tian Zhan-feng: A seismic equipment for shallow exploration with enhanced signal to noise ratio, type ZD-1, S/Nを改善したZD-1型浅層地震探査装置, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.308-315. Qian Pei-feng, Yang Ya-di, Su Wen-zao and Li Yu-bao: Seismic loads on chimneys, 煙突に働く地震力について, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.3, 1982, pp.316-325. Lu Yuan-zhong, Shen Jian-wen and Song Jun-gao: Seismic gaps and "imminent earthquakes", 地震の空白域と“切迫地震”, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.327-336. Huang Wei-qiong, Jin Yan and Hu Rong-sheng: On the regional difference of attennuation of near earthquake waves and estimation of near earthquake magnitude, 近地地震波の減衰特性の地域性と近地地震のマグニチュードの推定, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.337-349. Chen Jia-geng, Cao Xin-ling and Li Zi-qiang: Stress measurements at depth in North China by hydraulic fracturing, 水圧破砕法による華北の地下深部応力の測定, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.350-361. Wang Cheng-min and Zhang Hong-po: The short-term variation of the ground water level before earthquakes, 地震前の地下水位の短期および直前異常変化, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.362-372. Li Qin-zu, Jin Ya-min and Yu Xin-chang: Seismicity pattern before great earthquakes in North China, 華北地区における大地震前の地震活動パターン, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.373-379. Gu Ji-cheng, Xie Xiao-bi and Zhao Li: On spatial distribution of large aftershocks of the sequence of a major earthquake and preliminary theoretical explanation, 大余震の空間分布特性とその理論的解釈, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.380-388. Fu Zheng-xiang: Duration of the sequence of strong aftershocks of a major earthquake, 大余震の活動継続時間, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.389-394. Tang Bo-xiong, Wu Kang-sen, Zhang Li-fen, Liu Ke-ren, Ding Shao-lan and Wu Qing-peng: Preliminary results of gravimetric earth tide observation in the Kunming region, 昆明地域における重力地球潮汐観測の初歩的結果, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.395-403. Xu Zhao-yong, Li Zhong-fu, Li Pei-lin, Hua Pei-zhong and Zhang Wan-pu: An experimental study of the variation of P-wave velocity in a marble slab loaded to failure at the center, 圧力下における大理石板中心部の破壊にいたるまでのP波速度変化に関する実験 的研究, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.404-411. Xie Li-li, Qian Qu-kang and Li Sha-bai: The effects of digitization errors on analysis of strong-motion records and their elimination, 数値化に伴うノイズの強震記録への影響とその除去法について, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.412-421. Ma Feng-shi: A comment on the Epstein's model for the magnitude of earthquakes, B. Epsteinの地震マグニチュード分布の統計モデルに関するコメント, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.422-425. Zhao Song-nian: Analysis and measurement of spectral characteristics of a seismic recording system, 地震観測システムの周波数特性の解析と測定, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.426-433. Telemetered Seismic Network - "System 768", 地震遠隔観測網−“768工程”の成果, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, pp.434-436. International Symposium on Continental Seismicity and Earthquake Prediction took place in Beijing on Sept.8-14,1982, 北京で開催された大陸地震活動と地震予知の国際学術討論会, 地震学報, Vol.4, No.4, 1982, 裏表紙.