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Acta Geophysica Sinica (1973 - 1977),

Papers in Acta Geophysica Sinica (Vol.16, 1973 - Vol.20, 1977),

Geophysical Society of China: Acta Geophysica Sinica (Vol.16, 1973 - Vol.35, 1992), 地球物理学報文献目録 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973 - Vol.35, 1992. Zeng Rong-sheng: Gravity compensation of the Mohorovicic discontinuity and the basic model of crustal structure, モホ面における重力補正と地殻構造の基本的モデル, 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973, pp.1-5. Chen Pei-shan and Lin Bang-hui: An application of statistical theory of extreme values to moderate and long interval earthquake prediction, 極値理論の中、長期地震予報への応用, 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973, pp.6-24. Gao Long-sheng: Measurement of stress field in situ by means of bore hole deformation - A discussion on the treatment of measuring unit and data of stress field, ボーリング孔の変形を用いた媒質中の応力場の測量−地殻応力測定における測定 単位と数値データ処理に関する議論, 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973, pp.25-42. Guo Zeng-jian, Qin Bao-yan, Xu Wen-yao and Tang Quan: Preliminary study on a model for the development of the focus of an earthquake, 震源の準備過程のモデルに関する初歩的議論, 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973, pp.43-48. Li Qin-zu, Wang Ze-gao, Jia Yun-nian and Jin Ya-min: Stress field obtained for two regions from weak earthquake data recorded at a single seismic station, 1つの観測点の小地震データによって得られた2つの地域の応力場, 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973, pp.49-61. Teng Ji-wen, Kan Rong-ju, Liu Dao-hong and Zeng Rong-sheng: Refracted and reflected waves from the crystalline basement in the eastern part of Chaidam basin, ツァイダム(柴達木)盆地東部の基盤の屈折波と反射波, 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973, pp.62-70. Li Qi-bin, Xiao Xing-hua and Li Zhi-sen: A preliminary study on the relation between the great earthquakes of China and the secular variation of the angular velocity of rotation of the earth, 中国大陸の大地震と地球自転角速度の長期変化との関係に関する初歩的分析, 地球物理学報, Vol.16, 1973, pp.71-80. Shi Zhen-liang, Huan Wen-lin, Cao Xin-ling, Wu Huan-ying, Liu Yao-bin and Huang Wei-qiong: Some characteristics of seismic activity in China, 中国地震活動のいくつかの特性, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.1, 1974, pp.1-13. Ou-Yang Ting: Estimation of earthquake tendency after the 1967 earthquake of Luho district by relative motion of earth crust, 地殻の相対運動による1967年炉霍地震後におけるその地域の地震傾向の推定, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.1, 1974, pp.14-19, Chen Yun-tai: Seismic waves in multilayered elastic half-space (I), 半無限多層弾性体中の地震波(1), 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.1, 1974, pp.20-43. Yu Zhi-ying, Luo Shi-fang, Xu Shi-yuan, Chen Ye-yu, Liang Shi-guang and Ye Shu-hua: A preliminary analysis of the relation between the seasonal variation of the earth's rotation and the earthquake, 地球自転速度の季節変化と地震の関係に関する初歩的解析, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.1, 1974, pp.44-50. Xu Zhong-ji, Wei Gong-yi, Song Liang-yu, Yu Shu-jun and Huang Wei- qiong: Probability of the time of earthquake occurrence (I), 地震発生時間の確率予報(1), 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.1, 1974, pp.51-72. Ji Ge: Actively take part in the struggle to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, 積極的に批林批孔の斗争に参加する, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.2, 1974, pp.73-74. Su Gong-wang: Relentless criticism of the Confucian-Mencian theory of "Heaven's Will" - Activity of research on earthquake prediction intensified, 孔子、孟子の“天命論”を批判する−地震予報研究の積極的強化, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.2, 1974, pp.75-76. Shu Shui: The characteristics of Luhuo earthquake (M=7.9) and the seismicity of this region, 炉霍M7.9地震の特性とその地域の地震活動度, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.2, 1974, pp.77-83. Feng De-yi, Tan Ai-na and Wang Ke-fen: Velocity anomalies of seismic waves from near earthquakes and earthquake prediction, 近地地震波の速度異常と地震予報, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.2, 1974, pp.84-98. Guo Zeng-jian, Qin Bao-yan and Feng Xue-cai: Discussion on the change of ground-water level preceding a large earthquake from an earthquake source model, 震源準備過程モデルによる大地震前の地下水変化に関する議論, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.2, 1974, pp.99-105. Yao Zhen-xing, Chen Pei-shan, Xiao Cheng-ye and Xu Guo-ming: On the intensity anomaly of the Xingtai earthquake of March 22nd, 1966, 1966年シン台地震の震度異常(シン:形のヘンに邦のツクリ), 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.2, 1974, pp.106-121. Teng Ji-wen et al.: Deep reflected waves and the structure of the earth crust of the eastern part of Chaidam basin, ツァイダム盆地東部における深層地震反射波と地殻構造, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.2, 1974, pp.122-135. Lin Ting-huang: Resolutely criticizing the reactionary theory of "The highest, who are wise, and the lowest, who are stupid", “上智下愚”という反動的誤謬理論の批判, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.137-139. Feng De-yi: Anomalies of amplitude ratio of S and P waves from near earthquakes and earthquakes prediction, 近地地震の直達S波とP波の振幅比異常と地震予報, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.140-154. Li Qin-zu: A method for studying the mechanism of minor earthquakes, 小地震発震機構の1つの研究方法, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.155-164. Chen Zi-kang, Wang Zeng-chun et al.: An experiment on the transmission and reflection of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic waves within limestone, 超高周波電磁波の石灰岩中の透過と反射に関する実験, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.165-168. Chen Bo-fang: Conductivity anomaly in west coast of Po Hai, 渤海西岸における電気伝導度の異常, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.169-172. Chen Yun-tai: Seismic waves in multilayered elastic half-space (II), 半無限多層弾性体中の地震波(2), 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.173-185. Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: Preliminary results of the investigation of the crustal structure of the south-central part of Shansi Province, 山西省中部および南部地域の地殻構造の初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.186-199. Zhang Jian-zhong, Wei gong-yi, Song Liang-yu, Hu Rong-sheng, Yu Shu-jun and He Shu-yun: Probability of the time of earthquake occurrence (II), 地震発生時間の確率予報(2), 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.3, 1974, pp.200-208. Theoretical Study Group of the Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: The historical struggles between the Confucian and legalist schools about the earthquake disasters, 地震災害問題に関する歴史上の儒学派と法律至上主義学派の論争について, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.209-214. Zhu Chuan-zhen: The masses are the real heroes - Criticizing the reactionary theories of "Born with knowledge" and "Only the highest who are wise, and the lowest, who are stupid" in the work of mass observations and mass prevention of earthquake hazards, 大衆こそ真の英雄−地震の群測群防事業における“生而知之”と“上智下愚”の 反動的誤謬論の批判, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.215-218. Zhao Hong-sheng: A preliminary study of the relationship between drought and earthquake occurrence, 干ばつと地震発生の関係に関する初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.219-230. Wang Zhi-dong, Zhang Zuo-ren, Lei Ze-gao and Yue En-tao: The harmonic analysis of the tidal tilts from Shacheng, Hopei Province, 河北省沙城における傾斜潮汐波の調和解析, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.231-238. Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: Reflected waves from the M discontinuity and the structure of the Lin Fen basin, 臨汾盆地の地殻境界面の反射波と地殻構造, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.239-246. Li Yong-shan and Yuan Ting-hong: The chance of occurrence of future great earthquakes in the light of accumulation and release of elastic potential in China, 我国における弾性ポテンシャル・エネルギーの蓄積と放出から見た将来の大地震 発生の危険性, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.247-254. Teng Ji-wen, Feng Chi-fen, Li Jin-sen, Chen Xue-bo, Wen Kun-ti, Zhang Jia-ru, Xiong Cheng-jun et al.: Crustal structure of the central part of North China and the Xintai earthquake (I), 華北平原中部地域における深部構造とシン台地震の背景(1)(シン:形のヘン に邦のツクリ), 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.255-271. Shi Zhen-liang, Huan Wen-lin, Yao Guo-gan and Xie Yuan-ding: On the fracture zones of Changma earthquake of 1932 and their causes, 1932年昌馬地震破砕帯およびその形成原因の初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.17, No.4, 1974, pp.272-289. The Theory Study Group of the Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: On the struggles between the Confucian and legalist schools in the history of the development of magnetic compass, コンパスの発展史における儒学派と法律至上主義学派の闘争について, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.1, 1975, pp.1-5. The Earthquake Prediction Group, the First Middle School of Yangkiang County, Kwantung Province: Geothermal variations and earthquakes, 地温変化と地震, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.1, 1975, pp.6-10. Chen Pei-shan and Yan Shou-min: Relation between the seismic source mechanism and the intensity distribution, 発震機構と震度分布の関係 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.1, 1975, pp.11-25. Gao Long-sheng and Ge Huan-chen: A preliminary study of P- and S-wave velocities under high pressure of rock samples from the mainland of China, 中国大陸の岩石試料の高圧下における弾性波速度に関する初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.1, 1975, pp.26-38. Liu Yi-ming, Yao Hong and Zhou Hai-nan: Analysis of the characteristics and trend of seismic activities in the Keping rupture zone in Sinkiang, China, 新疆柯坪断層帯の地震活動の特性と地震傾向の解析, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.1, 1975, pp.39-51. Li Chun-yu: Tectonic evolutions of some mountain ranges in China, as tentatively interpreted on the concept of plate tectonics, プレート・テクトニクス学説による中国の一部の地域の構造発展に関する初歩的 分析, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.1, 1975, pp.52-74. The Theory Study Group of the 3rd Section of the Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: Chang heng, a celebrated scientist in ancient Chinese histrory, personifying practical ingenuity and scientific insight, 実践重視と創造に励む中国古代科学者張衡, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.77-80. Song Qun: Remarks on the basis and efficiency of mass observation and mass prevention of earthquake hazards, 地震に関する群測群防の効果とその論拠について, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.81-87. Chen Feng, Liao Fa-dian and Tang Xian-min: A preliminary report on an experiment of measuring rock strain by the method of apparent resistivity in a mine tunnel, 見かけ比抵抗法による鑛山坑道岩石のひずみ測量実験の初歩的報告, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.88-99. Zheng Zhih-zhen, Zhu Chuan-zhen, Zhang Yan-ru and Hu Zuo-chun: Variation of average dislocation in the Xingtai region, シン台地域の平均的断層ずれの変化(シン:形のヘンに邦のツクリ), 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.100-103. Qi Gui-zhong: A method for the analysis of geomagnetic daily variation in a local area and the longitudinal effect of the Sq-field in China, 局所的地磁気日変化の解析法と中国地域のSq場の経度効果, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.104-117. Statistical Prediction Group of the Department of Mathematics, Nankai University: A mathematical method for forecasting a large earthquake, 大地震予報に関する1つの数学的方法, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.118-126. Liu Zheng-rong, Meng Fan-xing et al.: Use of archaeological method to investigate the relation between the recent structural movements and earthquakes, taking Lin Fen basin, Shansi Province, as an example, 山西省臨汾盆地を例とした現在の構造運動と地震との関係の考古学的方法による 研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.127-136. Yang Wen-cai: A discussion of some new principles in geophysical exploration for solid minerals, 何種類かの固体鑛物探査の新しい原理に関する議論, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.2, 1975, pp.137-147. Li Yuan and Zhang Yu: Refuting the fallacy of the "Nine planets line-up" catastrophe - In repudiation of the reactionary theory of "Heaven's Will" advocated by Confucius and Mencius, “九星成線”災害説に対する論駁−孔孟の反動“天命観”への批判, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.3, 1975, pp.149-152. The Geodetic Survey Brigade for Earthquake Research, National Seismological Bureau: Crustal deformation associated with the Xingtai earthquake in March, 1966, 1966年シン台地震の地殻変動(シン:形ヘンに邦のツクリ), 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.3, 1975, pp.153-163. Chen Yun-tai, Lin Bang-hui, Lin Zhong-yang and Li Zhi-yong: The focal mechanism of the 1966 Xingtai earthquake as inferred from the ground deformation observations, 地殻変動観測による1966年シン台地震の震源過程の研究(シン:形のヘンに邦の ツクリ), 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.3, 1975, pp.164-182. Chen Pei-shan and Liu Jia-sen: A study of the relation between seismic magnitude and intensity by using the dislocation model, 転位モデルによる地震規模と震度の関係に関する研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.3, 1975, pp.183-195. Teng Ji-wen, Wang Guo-zheng, Liu Dao-hong, Xing Ji-run, Liang Wen-dou, Xu Shi-lin et al.: Crustal structure of the central part of the North China plain and the Xingtai earthquake (U), 華北平原中部地域の深部構造とシン台地震(2)(シン:形のヘンに邦のツクリ), 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.3, 1975, pp.196-207. Zheng Zhi-zhen, Zhu Chuan-zhen and Hu Zuo-chun: Differences between explosions and earthquakes, 爆破と地震の差異, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.3, 1975, pp.208-216. Huang Hong-ze: On the trajectories of diffractional waves in the refraction method of seismic prospecting, 屈折法探査における回折波の波線軌跡について, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.3, 1975, pp.217-224. The Designing Group of Laser Geodimeter, Wuhan Seismological Brigade, National Seismological Bureau: Follow the road of self reliance, scale the heights of the laser technique, 自力更生の道でレーザ技術の頂点に登る, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.225-230. The First Section of the Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: Learn proletarian dictatorship theory, promote greatly seismological work - An account of a "Joint Battle" in setting-up a telemetered network of new seismographic stations around Beijing, 理論を学び事を促す−地震観測網の建設共同戦線を記する, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.231-234. Feng De-yi: Anomalous variations of seismic velocity ratio before the Yongshan-Daguan earthquake (M=7.1) on May 11, 1974, 1974年5月雲南省永善−大関M7.1大地震前の地震波速度比の異常変化, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.235-239. The Geodetic Survey Brigade for Earthquake Research, National Seismological Bureau: The characteristics of the crustal deformation associated with the Tonghai earthquake, Yunnan, in January 1970, 1970年雲南省通海地震の地殻変動の特性, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.240-245. Chen Yong: On the determination of focal parameters of shallow earthquakes by means of macroseismic method, 浅発地震の震源パラメータ決定の巨視的方法, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.246-255. Zhu Chuan-zhen, Shi Ru-bin, Luo Sheng-li and An Zhen-wen: Preliminary study of the spectra of microearthquake waves in Xiker region Xinjiang, China, 新疆シークル(西克尓)地区における微小地震のスペクトルに関する初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.256-268. Tang Ying-wu: Propagation of elastic waves in saturated sediments, 堆積物中の弾性波の伝播, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.269-278. The Group of Hydro-chemistry, the Seismological Brigade of Hebei Province: Studies on forecasting earthquakes in the light of the abnormal variations of Rn concentration in ground water, 地下水中のラドン濃度の異常変化を用いた地震予報に関する研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.279-283. Liang Xi-ting: The radial geometric factors for the three electrode guard logging, 三電極系横方向ロギングにおける直径方向幾何因子, 地球物理学報, Vol.18, No.4, 1975, pp.284-296. Wang Miao-yue, Yang Mao-yuan, Hu Yu-liang, Li Zi-qiang, Chen Yun-tai, Jin Yan and Feng Rui: Mechanism of the reservoir impounding earthquakes at Xinfengjiang and a preliminary endeavour to discuss their cause, 新豊江ダム地震の震源機構と地震成因の初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.1-17. Tang Rong-chang, Wen De-hua, Deng Tian-gang and Huang Sheng-mu: A preliminary study on the characteristics of the ground fractures during the Luhuo M=7.9 earthquake, 1973 and the origin of the earthquake, 1973年炉霍M7.9地震の地割れの特徴と地震の成因に関する初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.18-27. The Magnetotelluric Sounding Group, the Seismological Brigade of Lanzhou, National Seismological Bureau: On the electric conductivity characteristics of the northern portion of the North-South Earthquake Belt of China, 中国南北地震帯北部の地殻と上部マントルの電気的特性, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.28-34. Zhu Chuan-zhen: The relation between rapidity in force releasing from elastic body and the energy of elastic wave, 弾性体内部に作用する力の解放速度と弾性波エネルギー, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.35-39. Zheng Zhi-zhen, An Zhen-wen and Hu Zuo-chun: Variation of average dislocation values before and after the Haicheng earthquake of February,1975, 1975年2月海城大地震前後の平均転位量の変化, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.40-41. The Seismological Brigade of Lanzhou, National Seismological Bureau, The Seismological Brigade of the Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region: Graet Haiyuan earthquake on December 16, 1920, 1920年12月16日海原大地震, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.42-49. Liao Zhen-peng: Seismic waves generated by an explosion in a spherical cavity, 空胴球体の爆破によって生成される地震波, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.50-63. Huang Hong-ze: Model experiments on the dynamic and kinematic characteristics of refracted waves from curved surfaces, 湾曲境界面上の屈折波形記録の特性に関する模擬実験, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.1, 1976, pp.64-70. Zhou Shu-yin: Strengthen party leadership and uphold the dictatorship of the proletariat, 党の指導を強化し無産階級専政を堅持する, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.71-72. Su Gong-wang: In praise of mass observation and mass prevention of earthquake hazards - Refuting right deviationist tendency in the scientific and technological field, 群測群防を賛する−科学技術界の右傾化を論駁する, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, p.73. Shu Shui: Action of the focal stress field, rock dilatability and water diffusion - An examination with regard to the earthquake source and the development of its precursory phenomena of the earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred in Yong Shan, Yunnan Province, 震源応力場における岩石の膨張と水の拡散−雲南永善M7.1地震とその前兆準備発 展過程について, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.74-94. Wu Kai-tong, Yue Ming-sheng, Wu Huan-ying, Cao Xin-ling, Chen Hai-tong, Huang Wei-qiong, Tian Kang-yuan and Lu Shou-de: Certain characteristics of Haicheng earthquake(M=7.3) sequence, 海城地震系列の特性, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.95-109. Wang Zhen-sheng, Wang Zhou-yuan, Gu Jin-ping and Xiong Xiao-yi: A preliminary investigation of the limits and certain features of the North-South seismic zone of China, 中国南北地震帯の範囲とその地震活動特性の初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.110-117. Yao Xiao-xin: Rupture velocity and earthquakes, 破壊速度と地震, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.118-124. Liu Chun, Cheng Guo-liang, Ye Su-juan, Zhu Xiang-yuan, Lin Jin-lu and Li Su-ling: The paleomagnetic study on some Cainozoic basalt groups in vicinity of Nanking and the preliminary determination of its geological ages, 南京付近の地域のある新生代玄武岩群の古地磁気学的研究およびその地質年代の 初歩的認識, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.125-137. Liang Xi-ting: The longitudinal geometric factors for the three- electrode system of lateral logging, 3電極系横方向ロギングにおける直径方向幾何因子, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.138-146. Xu Min, Lai De-lun, Ning Xue-rong, Zhang Lai-feng, Wang Xin-bo and Liu Xiao-hong: Digital coding clock and calendar, ディジタル・カレンダ時計, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.2, 1976, pp.147-150. The Research Division of Liaoning Provincial Seismological Bureau: Success of prediction and disaster prevention of Liaoning (Haicheng) earthquake - An outstanding achievement of The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 海城地震予測予防の勝利は文化大革命の成果, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.3, 1976, pp.151-155. Jin Yan, Zhao Yi, Chen Yong, Yan Jia-quan and Zhuo Yu-ru: A characteristic feature of the dislocation model of foreshocks of the Haicheng earthquake, Liaoning Province, 遼寧省海城地震の前震の震源転位の1つの特徴 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.3, 1976, pp.156-164. Wang Qian-shen and Liu Yuan-long: Framework of the crustal structure of the southern part of Liaoning Province, 遼南地域の地殻構造の輪郭, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.3, 1976, pp.165-176. Niu Zhi-ren and Su Gang: The "pursuing model" for the development of the source of an earthquake, 震源における準備と発展に関する“追従モデル”, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.3, 1976, pp.177-195. Feng De-yi, Zheng Si-hua, Sheng Guo-ying, Fu Zheng-xiang, Gao Shi-lei, Luo Rui-ming and Li Bing-can: Preliminary study of the velocity anomalies of seismic waves before and after some strong and modeate earthquakes in western China(I) - The velocity ratio anomalies, 中国西部地区のいくつかの大地震および中地震前後の地震波速度異常に関する初 歩的研究(1)−地震波速度比異常, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.3, 1976, pp.196-205. Chen Yun-tai, Lin Bang-hui, Li Xing-cai, Wang Miao-yue, Xia Da-de, Wang Xing-hui, Liu Wan-qin and Li Zhi-yong: The determination of source parameters for small earthquakes in Qiaojia and Shimian and the estimation of potential earthquake danger, 巧家、石棉地域の小地震の震源パラメータの測定および地震危険度の推定, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.3, 1976, pp.206-233. Zheng Zhi-zhen, Qi Guo-ying and Guo Ya-ping: The focal parameters of microearthquakes in the Zhangjiakou-Huairou region, 張家口−懐柔地域における微小地震の震源パラメータ, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.3, 1976, pp.234-238. C.P.C. Central committee's message of sympathy to the people of earthquake-stricken area, 中国共産党中央委員会から地震被災地区人民への慰問電報, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.4, 1976, pp.255. Qiu Qun: On the background and seismic activity of the M=7.8 Tangshan earthquake, Hopei Province of July 28, 1976, 1976年 7月28日河北省唐山M7.8地震の発生背景とその活動性, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.4, 1976, pp.259-269. Gu Hao-ding, Chen Yun-tai, Gao Xiang-lin and Zhao Yi: Focal mechanism of Haicheng, Liaoning Province, earthquake of February 4, 1975, 1975年2月4日遼寧省海城地震の震源機構について, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.4, 1976, pp.270-285. Duan Xing-bei, Zheng Jian-zhong, Zhou Zhi-qun, Yan Shou-min and Sun Ci-chang: Variations in teleseismic P wave residuals before the Haicheng earthquake, 海城大地震前の遠地地震P波の走時残差の変化, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.4, 1976, pp.286-294. Feng Rui, Pang Qing-yan, Fu Zheng-xiang, Zheng Jian-zhong, Sun Ci-chang and Li Bao-xiang: Variations of Vp/Vs before and after the Haicheng earthquake of 1975, 海城地震前後における地震波速度比の変化, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.4, 1976, pp.295-305. The Experimental Group of the 3rd Research Division, Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: A preliminary study on the fracture of rocks under uniaxial compression, 1軸圧縮下の岩石破壊に関する初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.4, 1976, pp.306-316. Zhu Cheng-nan and Chen Cheng-zhao: The rupture mechanism of the Zhaotong earthquake of 1974 in Yunnan Province, 1974年雲南省昭通地震の破壊機構, 地球物理学報, Vol.19, No.4, 1976, pp.317-329. Peking Seismograph Station, Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: Chairman Hua comes to our seismograph station, 華主席が地震観測所に来訪, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.1-3. Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: Esteemed premier Chou En-lai lives forever in the heart of earthquake fighters, 無限の敬愛と深い悲しみ−周総理は永遠に地震戦士の心に生きる, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.4-7. Kou Mo-jo: Smashing the anti-Party "Gang of four" - to the tune of Shui Tiao Keh Tou, 水調歌頭“四人組”を粉砕する, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, p.8. Chen Pei-shan: Relation between the seismic source mechanism and the intensity distribution (continued), 震源機構と震度分布の関係(2), 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.9-19. Zhu Chuan-zhen, Fang Ming-shan, An Zhen-wen and Luo Sheng-li: Preliminary study of the microseisms in relation to earthquakes, 脈動と地震の関係についての初歩的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.20-32. Wu Ru-shan, Wu Yu-lin, Liu Cai-rong, Peng Chun-yi and Wang Mao-ji: Multifrequency synthetic detecting holography, 多周波合成ホログラム, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.33-58. Liu Yuan-long and Wang Qian-shen: Inversion of gravity data by use of a method of "compressed mass plane" to estimate crustal structure, “圧縮質面法”による重力データのインバージョンと地殻構造の推定, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.59-69. The 2nd Group, 10th Research Division, Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: On the seismo-magnetic induction effect (I) - A numerical theory of three-dimensional electromagnetic induction, 地震による誘導磁気効果(1)−3次元電磁誘導の数値理論, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.70-80. Huang Hong-ze: The mechanism of diffracted waves, 回折波の発生機構について, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.1, 1977, pp.81-88. Ke Long-sheng, Li Yong-pu, Zhang Ai-di and Chong Yun-guang: A study of certain features of a foreshock sequence and that of an ordinary earthquake swarm, 前震系列と一般的な小群発地震活動の規則の研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.89-95. Kan Rong-ju, Zhang Si-chang, Yan Feng-tong and Yu Lin-sheng: Present tectonic stress field and its relation to the characteristics of recent tectonic activity in southwestern China, 我国西南地区の現在の構造応力場と現在の構造活動特性の研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.96-109. Liu Zheng-rong, Lei Su-hua and Hu Su-hua: The Yongshan-Daguan earthquake (M=7.1) on May 11,1974, 1974年 5月11日雲南省永善−大関地震, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.110-114. Feng De-yi, Wang Zhou-yuan, Gu Jin-ping, Sheng Guo-ying and Gao Shi-lei: Preliminary study of the velocity anomalies of seismic waves before and after some strong and moderate earthquakes in western China (U) - The anomalous regions and their characteristics, 我国西部地区におけるいくつかの大地震および中地震前後の地震波の速度異常に 関する研究(2)−地震波速度異常域とその特性, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.115-124. Zheng Zhi-zhen, Hu Zuo-chun, Guo Ya-ping and Wang Rong-jun: Spectral changes of fore- and after-shocks of the Haicheng earthquake, 海城地震の前震と余震のスペクトル変化, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.125-130. He Zhi-tong and Xie Ting: The hypocentral distribution of the Xingtai earthquake series, tectonic stress field and the process of earhquake occurrences, シン台地震系列の空間分布、構造応力場およびその発生過程に関する研究(シン :形ヘンに邦のツクリ), 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.131-142. Liu Yuan-long, Wang Qian-shen, Wu Chuan-zhen and Zhou Wen-hu: A preliminary study of the crustal structure and the geological significance of the central portion of the Himalayan mountain range, ヒマラヤ山脈中部地域における地殻構造とその地質学的意味に関する研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.143-149. Wang Qing-yi: On the saturation effect of the induced polarization method, 強制分極法の“飽和効果”について, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.150-156. Wang Ji-lun: Designing principles of a two-dimensional optimum linear digital filter, 2次元の最適線形ディジタル・フィルタの設計原理, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.2, 1977, pp.157-168. The 10th Section of the Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica: On the space-correlation method of geomagnetism and its application to earthquake prediction, 地球磁場の空間的相関性およびその地震予報への応用, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.3, 1977, pp.169-184. Chen Pei-shan, Gu Ji-cheng and Li Wen-xiang: A study of the earthquake faulting process and earthquake prediction in the light of fracture mechanics, 破壊力学の観点による地震の破壊過程と地震予報の研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.3, 1977, pp.185-202. Yan Shou-min and Liu Qi-hong: Application of the method of probablistic regressional estimation to earthquake prediction, 確率回帰推定法の地震予報への応用, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.3, 1977, pp.203-210. Feng Rui: On the variations of the velocity ratio before and after the Xinfengjiang reservoir impounding earthquake of M=6.1, 新豊江M6.1ダム誘発地震前後の地震波速度比の変化, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.3, 1977, pp.211-221. Zhu Chuan-chen, Fu Chang-hong, Rung Zhen-gui and Luo Shen-li: Source parmeters for small earthquakes and the quality factor of the medium before and after the Haicheng earthquake, 海城地震前後の微小地震震源パラメータと媒質のQ値, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.3, 1977, pp.222-231. The Research Division of Hopei Provincial Seismological Bureau: On the earthquake risk of the Hopei Province of North China, 河北省の地震危険度についての研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.3, 1977, pp.232-241. Guo Zeng-jian, Qin Bao-yan, Zhang Yuan-fu and Li Zai-liang: A discussion on the mutual action of horizontal and vertical stresses in the development of earthquake sources in China, 水平力と上下力の相互作用による我国内の地震準備過程と発生に関する議論, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.3, 1977, pp.242-250. The Geodetic Survey Brigade for Earthquake Research, National Seismological Bureau: Ground surface deformation of the Haicheng earthquake of magnitude 7.3, 海城M7.3地震の地殻変動, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.4, 1977, pp.251-263. Zhu Chuan-zhen, Fu Chang-hong, Luo Sheng-li: Source parameters for small earthquakes before and after the M=7.8 Tangshan earthquake, 唐山M7.8地震前後の微小地震震源パラメータ, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.4, 1977, pp.264-269. Meteorological Institute of Liaoning Province: On some anomalous meteorological phenomena observed before the Haicheng earthquake of February 4, 1975, 1975年 2月海城地震前の気象異常現象, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.4, 1977, pp.270-276. The Group of Hydro-Chemistry, the Seismological Brigade of Peking: An experimental study of the relation between rock rupture and variation of radon(Rn) content, 岩石破壊とラドン含有量変化の関係に関する実験的研究, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.4, 1977, pp.277-282. Li Bai-ji, Shi Jie-shan, Song Zi-an and Zeng Rong-sheng: Digital processing for seismic surface wave dispersion, 地震表面波の分散の数値計算−方法と試験, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.4, 1977, pp.283-298. Ge Wei-zhong: Topographic correction for the DC apparent resistivity method of electrical prospecting, 見かけ電気抵抗法の地形補正, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.4, 1977, pp.299-311. Chen Yong: Application of acoustic emission techniques to rock mechanics rasearch, AE技術の岩石力学的研究への応用, 地球物理学報, Vol.20, No.4, 1977, pp.312-322.