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Seismology and Geology (1983 - 1987),

Papers in Seismology and Geology (Vol.5, 1983 - Vol.9, 1987),

Zhang Chao and Zhao Guo-guang: The inverse estimation of fault movement in geological time with Bouguer gravity anomaly nearby the fault, 断層の近くにおける重力ブーゲ異常の分布に基く地質時代の断層運動の研究, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.1-8. He Yong-nian et al.: Deformation microstructures within a shear zone in granodiorite, 花崗閃緑斑岩中のせん断帯変形の微細構造, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.9-14. Jiang Pu et al.: Seismological study of dynamic problems of recent fracture in the North China fault block region, 華北ブロックにおける現在の構造断裂の動力学的問題に関する地震学的研究, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.15-28. Liu Suo-wang et al.: Tectonic stress field and seismicity in Three Gorge region on the Changjiang River, 長江三峡地域の構造応力場と地震活動, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.29-41. Jin Xiang-long et al.: Geophysical investigation of structures beneath the Okinawa Trough, 沖縄トラフの海底構造の地球物理学的調査, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, p.42. Zhan Chuan-fu: The deep structural evidence on intense seismicity for the Tancheng-Lujiang fault belt, タン廬断層帯の大地震活動の深部構造の証拠(タン:炎ヘンに邦のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.43-51. The Seismo-geological Study Group, Experimental Site of Western Yunnan Province: Trace of the ancient earthquakes found in the Dali region of Yunnan Province, 雲南省大理地域における古地震遺跡の発見, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, p.52. Xu Zhao-yong and Peng Wan-li: Experimental studies of the fracture mode and velocity for the center of marble slab under the stress loading, 中心で載荷された大理石板の破壊様式とその伝播速度に関する実験的研究, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.53-58. Wang Ke-lu et al.: The earthquake disaster for the earthquakes in China and its implications, 中国地震災害の特徴およびその意味, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.59-69. Wang Ting-mei et al.: Geological evidence for the recent activity of Huangzhuang faults in the area in Beijing, 北京の黄庄断層の新しい活動の地質学的証拠, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, p.70. Zhang Cun-de and Xiang Jia-cui: Three essential signs of crustal deformation during the period of strong earthquake preparation in the case of Tangshan, 唐山地震からみた大地震の準備過程における地殻変動の3つの基本的信号に関す る試論, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, pp.71-77. Ji You-ting et al.: Recovery of remains of the ancient earthquake along the Dongling area of the Liyang district, リ陽東陵一帯における古地震遺跡の発見(リ:サンズイに栗), 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, p.78. Yan Fu-hua and Ye Yong-ying: Palynological evidence of late Pleistocene sediments of Pinghai town, Guongdong Province, 広東省平海地域における更新世後期に堆積した花粉学的証拠, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, p.79. Zhang Jing-wen et al.: Holocene stratigraphy of Xiangyang borehole, Qidong County, Jiangsu Province, 江蘇省啓東向陽のボーリング坑の完新世地層, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.1, 1983, p.80. Song Hong-lin: Analyses of conjugate en-echelon vein arrays, 共役な雁行列の解析, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.1-10. Zhang Jia-sheng: The basement ductile shear belt of the Yi-Shu fault system, 沂シュ断層帯の中部の基盤の延性せん断帯(シュ:サンズイに述のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.11-23. Wang Xiao-yuan: Happy news for early spring - Congratulation on the founding of subordinate Geological Society of Beijing Geological Society in the Institute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, 初春の吉報−北京地質学会国家地震局地質研究所分会の成立, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, p.24. Yu Li-bao: Characteristics of some pyroxenes of granulite facies in Miyun region of Beijing, 北京密雲地域のグラニュライト中輝石の特徴, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.25-30. Fu Zheng-xiang: Discussion on concentration and diffusion of the regional seismicity before and after some great earthquakes, 大地震前後の局地的地震活動の集散とその議論, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.31-38. An Ou et al.: Time-space distribution of maximum horizontal shearing strain in soils before the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, 1976年唐山地震前の土層の水平最大せん断ひずみの時空間分布, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.39-51. He Chu-ru et al.: The geomagnetic anomaly and the characteristics of the rupture process in the fault plane during the Liyang earthquake (Ms=6.0), リ陽地震(M=6.0)の地磁気異常と断層面破壊特性(リ:サンズイに栗), 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.52-58. Zang Shao-xian: The effect of infiltrating of water and mechanism and characteristics of earthquakes in Xinfengjiang reservoir, 水の浸透作用と新豊江ダム地震の特徴とメカニズム, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.59-69. Qin Da-zheng et al.: Research on the extending to the east of the Yangtze fault zone and its characteristics of rifting, 長江断層帯の東への延長とリフトバレーとしての特徴に関する議論, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.70-78. Kan Rong-ju et al.: Modern tectonic stress field and relative motion of intraplate block in southwestern China, 中国西南地区の現在の構造応力場とプレート内ブロックの相対運動, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.2, 1983, pp.79-90. Liu Bai-chi: On the microfracture process and changes of the stress pattern in the China continent, 中国大陸の微小破壊過程と応力パターンの変化, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.1-8. Peng Cheng-guang: Cause of the land subsidence associated with the historical Qiongzhou earthquake(13 July 1605), 1605年 7月13日瓊州の歴史地震による地盤沈下の原因, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.9-15. Jiang Zhong-xin: New activity of the Shuangshan-Lijiazhuang fault at Linqu Shandong Province, 山東省臨チュの双山、李家庄断層の新しい活動(チュ:月ヘンに句), 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, p.16. Wang Sheng-zu et al.: Environmental stiffness effect - An important factor influencing stress drop in hypocenter, 環境剛度の効果:震源の応力降下に影響する重要な因子, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.17-27. Song Yi-feng: Application of fission-track technique to the seismic prediction, αトラック追跡技術の地震予報への応用, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, p.28. Wang Guang-gen: The fracture analysis and elastoplastic analysis of ultra-high pressure vessel, 超高圧容器の強度と断裂の解析, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.31-42. Wang Qi-ming and Nafi M. Toksoz: A finite element model for sluggish accumulation and relaxation of the stresses along the fault zone, 単純な断層帯上の緩慢な応力の蓄積と緩和過程に関する有限要素シミュレーショ ン, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.43-53. Jiao Wen-qiang and Wang Chong-yan: Application of single-board computer to dating of 14C, シングルボード計算器の14C年代測定への応用, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, p.54. Zhu Ye and Li Rong-an: Characterized changes of time and space in the macroscopic precursors from the Haicheng earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 and mechanism of anomalies, 海城M7.3地震の宏観前兆の時空間変化の特性とその異常の機構, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.55-62. Ding Yuan-zhang et al.: Tectonic environment of reservoir induced earthquake in the Xinfengjiang reservoir area, 新豊江ダム地域の誘発地震の構造条件, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.63-74. Qian Hong: On the mechanism of the formation of anti xi-type(ξ-type) ground crack zones along the Xianshuihe fault, 鮮水河断層帯の“多”字型地割れ帯の成因機構, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, pp.75-79. Seismogeological Subcommission, Seismological Society of China: Meeting for "Discussion on the Current Situation and Prospect on Studies of Seismogeology", held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 地震地質の現状と発展方向に関する討論会、南京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.3, 1983, p.80. Han Tong-lin: Preliminary investigation of deformation belts caused by earthquakes in 1951-1952 in the Dangxiong-Bengcuo area of Tibet, チベット当雄、崩錯一帯における 1951-1952年の地震地殻変動帯の初歩的調査, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.1-11. Cheng Guo-liang et al.: Palaeomagnetism of Lower Permian in the Wushi- Aksu area of Xinjiang, 新疆ウシ−アクス地域の二畳紀後期地層の古地磁気の研究, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, p.12. Groundwater Research Group of Scientific Research Section, State Seismological Bureau: Identification of main disturbance factors for ground water level and extraction of seismic information, 地下水の主要なノイズ要因の識別と地震情報の判定, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.13-22. Song Hui-zhen et al.: Process of boundary condition during computing crust stress field with finite element method, 有限要素法を用いた地殻応力計算時の境界条件の処理, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.23-28. Song Fang-min et al.: The maximum horizontal displacement in the Haiyuan earthquake of 1920 and the estimation of the earthquake recurrence along the north of the Xihuashan fault, 1920年海原地震の震央の最大水平変位と西華山北縁断層に沿う地震の反復率の推 定, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.29-38. Shao Xue-zhong et al.: Preliminary study of structures of earth's crust and upper mantle around Dayawan gulf, Guangdong Province, 広東省大亜湾周辺地域の地殻と上部マントル構造の初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.39-51. Peng Wan-li et al.: Discussion on characterized distributions of precursory anomalous amplitudes in/near source area, 震源地域およびその付近での地震前兆異常の分布特性の研究, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.52-60. Li Jian-hua: Preliminary study of WNW-trending Changping-Fengnan buried active fault on the southern margin of Yanshan mountain, 燕山南縁の西北西走向の昌平−豊南埋没活断層の初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.61-66. Wang Chun-hua et al.: Quantitative analysis of recent tectonic stress fields and seismicities in North China in terms of holointerferometry, 光干渉法による華北地区の現在の構造応力場の分布特性の定量的解析, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.67-73. Yan Fu-hua et al.: The sporo-pollen assemblage in the Luo 4 drilling of Lop lake in Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang and its significance, 新疆ロプノール、4号ボーリング孔の花粉組成とその意義, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, pp.75-80. Zhu Yue-qing: Symposium on Seismogenesis, sponsored by Chinese Geophysical Society, was held in Lanzhou, 地震成因討論会、蘭州で開催, 地震地質, Vol.5, No.4, 1983, p.74. Guo Shun-min: Fault displacement and recurrence intervals of earthquakes at the northern segment of the Honghe fault zone, Yunnan Province, 雲南省紅河断層帯北部の断層変位と地震の繰り返し発生時間間隔, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.1-12. Zhu Shi-long: Recent tectonic stress state of Qixian-Xinxiang-Jiaozuo area along the piedmont belt of Taihang mountain and its relation to seismicity, 太行山麓のチ県−新郷−焦作地域の現在の構造応力状態と地震活動との関係(チ :サンズイに其), 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.13-20. Wei Guang-xing et al.: Characteristics of magnitude 7.4 earthquake sequence in the Bohai area, 渤海地震系列とその特性, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.21-29. Huang Xing-gen and Jiao Zhen-xing: Paleoseismic relics in the Heqing basin of Yunnan Province, 雲南省鶴慶盆地の古地震遺跡, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, p.30. Zhang Da-lun: Use of acoustic emission method for estimation of preexisting stresses in the rock, AE法による岩石中の既存応力状態の判定, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.31-40. Li Gui-ru et al.: Experimental studies on responsible mechanisms for radon and some geochemical precursors, 地震の地球化学的前兆機構に関する模擬実験的研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.41-46. Cheng Shu-hai et al.: Study on seismo-chemical field and changes of composition of water in the Xiaotangshan spring, 小湯山鉱物泉地域の地震化学場と水質変化に関する実験的研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.47-53. Wei Meng-hua: Introduction of observing in the Antarctic continent, 南極調査の報告, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, p.54. Peng Gui et al.: Holocene strata division and radiocarbon dating for the Dali area, 大理地域完新世地層の区分とその14C年代測定, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.55-60. An Feng-tong and Zhang Xiu-mei: Distributive regularities of some elements in the Holocene depositional environment in the north of the North China plain, 華北平野北部の完新世堆積物中のいくつかの元素の分布規則, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.61-67. Ding Meng-lin: National Symposium on Fault Structure, held in Datong, Shanxi Province, 全国断裂構造学術討論会、大同で開催, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, p.68. Wang Bao-jun and Gao Wei-an: Finite element approach to data of magnetotelluric sounding for the two dimension structures in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, 有限要素法によるMT法探査データの北京、天津、唐山地域の2次元構造の計算, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.1, 1984, pp.69-80. Magnetotelluric Sounding Group: Study on electric conductivity in the deep earth for the Tangshan area, 唐山地域の深部の電気特性の研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.1-5. Chi Shun-liang: Loading stress in the earth's crust, 地殻中の載荷応力, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.6-8. Li Qi-tong et al.: Does "Yangtze fault zone" exist along the Yangtze valley beneath the Zhenjiang area?, 鎮江から東の長江河谷に“長江断層帯”があるか?, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.9-16. Zhao Jing-zhen et al.: A study of the tectonic background for moderate or strong earthquakes in the northen part of Henan Province, 河南省北部地域の中、大地震の構造的背景の研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.17-24. Sun Shou-cheng: Site-related effects on intensity for Liyang earthquakes, リ陽地震震度とサイト・エフェクト(リ:サンズイに栗), 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.25-32. Tang Rong-chang et al.: On the seismological setting and conditions of seismogenic structures of 1981 Daofu earthquake, 道孚M=6.9地震の地質構造上の背景と発震構造条件の分析, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.33-40. You Xiang-zhao: Geological effects of the magnitude 5 earthquake in Pingguo, 平果M5.0地震の地質的効果, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.41-43. Pan Yu-sheng: Ophiolite suit was discovered in Tontian River Qinghai Province, 青海省通天河におけるオフィオライト套の発見, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, p.44. Ying Si-huai et al.: Discussion on the mechanism of continental strong seisms in China: differential deformation induced the generation of strong seisms, 地殻の不等変形から大地震の発生に至るという視点からみた我国大陸の大地震の 機構, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.45-52. Li An-ran et al.: Seismotectonic analysis of the gravity anomaly gradient belt in eastern China, 中国東部にかける重力異常傾斜帯の地震地質学的解析, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.53-62. Wang Sheng-zu and Zhang Liu: Shear fracture and stick-slip - A study on shock-generation mechanism of strong shallow earthquakes, せん断破壊とスティック・スリップ:浅い大地震の発震機構の研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.63-72. Xu Dao-yi: National Symposium on the Relationship between Astronomy, Geology, Seismology and Meteology, held in Beijing, 全国天文、地質、地震、気象相互関係学術討論会、北京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, p.74. Li Jian-guo et al.: Experimental studies on failure processes of saw-cut rocks under confining pressure, 封圧下における切れ目を入れた岩石試料の破壊過程に関する実験的研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.2, 1984, pp.75-80. Shi Lan-bin and Chen Xiao-de: Microstructures of fault rocks in Beishicheng and Hefangkou fault zones, Beijing, 北京北石城の断層帯と河防口断層帯の岩石の微細構造の研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.1-13. Zhang Wei-qi and Jiao De-cheng: A brief report on profiles of the Haiyuan paleoearthquake, 海原古地震の一つの断面, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, p.14. Gui Kun-chang and Shen Yong-jian: An analysis on the geotectonic background of vertical deformation in the Jiangsu-Shandong-Anhui-Henan region, 江蘇、山東、安徽、河南地域の上下変動の構造的背景の分析, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.15-21. Shi Liang-qi et al.: An apparatus for testing rock creep under uniaxial compression and high temperature, 1軸高温岩石クリープ実験装置, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, p.22. Li Meng-luan and Wan Zi-cheng: Characteristics of the earthquake- generating structures for magnitude 8.0 Pingluo earthquake of 1739 and the process of its preparation, 1739年平羅M8.0地震の発震機構とその準備過程の特性, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.23-28. Zhu Yue-qing et al.: Small-scale mantle convection, subcrustal stress field and seismicity in the North China region, 小規模マントル対流、地殻下応力場と華北地震, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.29-37. Wei Tong-hua: An alternative current demagnetizer, 交流消磁器, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, p.38. Zhang Bo-tao et al.: Experimental studies on the relationship between stress and strain by rock mass models under confining pressure, 封圧下における岩体モデルの応力とひずみの関係に関する実験的研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.39-48. Zhao Guo-ze and Zhao Yong-gui: Correlation between the structures of crust and upper mantle and the thermal events, 地球内部のサーマル・イベントと地殻、上部マントル構造との相関の研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.49-58. Yang Cheng-xian: Geological structures and their activity in the Handan and Tangyin grabens, ハンダン、湯陰地溝の地質構造とその活動性(ハン:甘ヘンに邦のツクリ、ダン :単ヘンに邦のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.59-66. Zang Shao-xian and Yang Jun-liang: Distribution of focal depths for intraplate earthquakes in North China and its physical explanation, 我国華北等地区のプレート内地震の深さ分布とその物理的背景, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.67-76. Wang Ting-mei and Li Jian-ping: The recurrence intervals of the strong earthquakes in Tangshan, 唐山大地震の繰り返し発生間隔, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp.77-83. Han Tong-lin: About "Plateau-type volcanoes" in 《The album of typical satellite imagery of active structures of China》, 〈中国活動構造典型衛星写真集〉中のチベット天札勒“高原型火山”の質疑, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.3, 1984, p.84. Xu Jia-wei et al.: The plastic deformation characteristics and regional strain field on the southern segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone, タン廬断層帯南部の深層における塑性変形の特徴と局地的ひずみ場(タン:炎ヘ ンに邦のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, pp.1-16. Wang Ruo-bai and Huang Li-ren: Horizontal deformation and its geotectonic implication in the Beijing area, 北京地域の水平変形とその構造的意義, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, pp.17-24. Cheng Shao-ping et al.: Offset gullies and recurrence time of M=8.5 strong earthquakes along the fault zone of northern piedmont of Nanhua Mountain, Haiyuan, Ningxia, 寧夏海原南華山北麓断層帯の狭谷の断層変位とM8.5大地震の繰り返し時間, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, pp.25-37. Feng Xuan-chao et al.: Recurrence of induced earthquakes at the Denjiaqiao reservior, Yidu County, Hubei, 宜都トウ家橋ダムに再度発生した地震(トウ:登に邦のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, p.38. He Yong-nian et al.: The activity of fault zone inferred from microstructural study of deformed rocks, 変形岩石の微細構造特性の観察による断層活動度の研究, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, pp.39-44. Xu Lei and Wu Yong-sheng: Structural analysis of the Mozitan-Xiaotian fault, 磨子潭−暁天断層(暁天から佛子嶺間)の構造解析, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, pp.45-53. Bai Yun-hong et al.: On the function of two sorts of programming paleomagnetic map related to Basic codes, 2種類のBasicで書かれた古地磁気図プログラムの機能の紹介, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, p.54. Fan Qi-cheng: Petrological characteristics and genesis of alkali basaltic breccia pipes in the Luotuofeng area, Pinquan of Hebei Province, 河北平泉駱駝峰のアルカリ玄武岩質角礫管石の岩石学的特性とそのマグマ起源, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, pp.55-69. Ding Guo-yu: Some aspects of neotectonic activity and plate motion in 27th International Geological Congress, Moscow, USSR, 第27回国際地質大会におけるネオテクトニクスと現在のプレート運動に関する討 論概況, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, p.70. Liang Zhong-hua et al.: Study on the sounding of deep-seated crustal structures beneath the Liayang area, リ陽地震区の地殻深部構造の探査と研究(リ:サンズイに栗), 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, pp.71-78. Han Tong-lin: Discussion on epicentral locations for the Tibet M=8 earthquake on 29, September 1411, 1411年 9月29日チベットM8地震の震央位置について, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, p.79. Yao Gan: "Selected works on remote sensing seismogeology" will be published, 〈リモートセンシング地震地質論文集〉近日出版, 地震地質, Vol.6, No.4, 1984, p.80. Zhu Hai-zhi: Quaquaversal structure rise and Heze earthquake, 弓型の隆起と渮澤地震, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.1-13. Sun Jie and Jiang Zhao: The MTS software for the MMS-02 data logger, 西ドイツ製MMS-02ディジタル大地電磁測深装置のソフトウェアについて, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, p.14. Ma Jin et al.: The effect of temperature, pressure and pore pressure on the strength and sliding behavior of the gouges, 温度、圧力、空隙圧の断層粘土の強度とすべり特性に対する影響, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.15-24. Yang Zhu-en et al.: The characteristics of gouge from Honghe and Qujiang fault zones and their seismogeological implications, 紅河と曲江断層帯の断層粘土の特性とその地震地質学的意義, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.25-32. Zhang Yen: Investigation on the paleostress of Yi-Shu fault zone, 沂ス断層帯の古応力値の検討(ス:サンズイに述のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.33-40. Jiang Pu and Dai Li-si: Classification of potential faulting and its denomination in China, 発震機構解析データを用いた中国地震断層の分類と命名, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.41-48. Wang Jun: Distributions and formation of the geothermal field along the coast, southeastern China, 東南沿海地区の地熱地帯の生成とその分布法則, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.49-58. Zhang Hu-nan: Application of the tectonic landform in the study of seismogeology in the Guangdong Province, 広東省における地震地質研究への構造地形学の応用, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.59-66. Feng Xuan-ming: An analysis on earthquake precursor of F in ground water, 地下水中のフッ素イオンによる地震前兆の分析, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.67-69. Feng Yuan-bao: Seismological Symposium about the Xiansuihe Seismic Belt held in Chengdu, 鮮水河地震帯地震学術討論会、成都で開催, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, p.70. Bai Yun-hong et al.: Late Paleozoic polar wanderpath for the Tarim block and tectonic significance, 新疆タリム地塊の後期古生代の古地磁気極移動の軌跡とその地質構造的意義, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.71-80. Lin Jin-lu: APW paths for the North and South China blocks, 華南および華北ブロックの極移動軌跡, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, pp.81-83. Wang Wen-hu: Symposium on the Electromagnetic Induction held in Guangzhou, 全国地球電磁誘導学術討論会、広州で開催, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.1, 1985, p.84. Zhou Fu-hong: The relation of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault with the main faults in the southern part of Northeast China, タン廬断層と東北地区南部の主要断層の関係について(タン:炎ヘンに邦のツク リ), 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.1-9. Sun Jian-zhong and Li Hu-hou: Thermoluminescence age of Malan loess, サーモ・ルミネッセンス法による馬蘭黄土の年代決定, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.10-12. Zhou Jiu and Huang Xiu-wu: Principal characteristics of gravitational lateral spreading of the crustal substances in North China, 華北地区地殻物質の重力による水平伸張運動の基本的特性, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.13-18. Qiang Zu-ji and Ye Shi-zhong: The characteristics of the active faults in the 1668 great earthquake(M=8 1/2) area, Juxian-Tancheng, Shandong Province, 1668年山東ジュ県、タン城(M8.5)大地震地域の活断層の特性(ジュ:クサカンム リに呂、タン:炎ヘンに邦のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.19-26. Zhang Bu-chun: Geological structure setting of the generation of intraplate earthquakes in China continent and the structural classification, 中国大陸のプレート内地震発生の地質構造的背景と構造の類型区分, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.27-33. Yao Yan-zhi: Symposium on Tectonophysics and Crust Deformation, held in Beijing, 構造物理と地殻変動学術会議、北京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, p.34. Feng Xian-yue: Seismogeological characteristics of the Xinjiang area, 新疆地域の地震地質の特性について, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.35-44. Jin Feng-ying and Yan Run-e: Study of activities of the Baboshan fault zone in terms of the microscopic surface features of quartz grains in gouge, 断層粘土中の石英粒表面の顕微鏡観察による八宝山断層帯の活動性について, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.45-50. Wang Cheng-min et al.: Preliminary discussion on principle, method and result for dynamic state observation networks of underground water that have been set in China, 我国地下水位動態観測網の設置の原則、方法および結果の初歩的議論, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.51-58. Wu Qian-fan and Xie Yi-zhen: Geothermal heat flow in the Songhuajiang- Liaohe Basin, 松遼盆地の地殻熱流, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.59-64. Chen Shang-fu and Zhang Shi-liang: Determination of ages for Quaternary basalt in the Hainan Island by interpretations of the Landsat-1 images, 衛星写真による海南島の第四紀玄武岩の年代区分の解析, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.65-70. Wu Ze-long: Crustal movement and seismic characteristics of the Hainan Island, 海南島の地殻運動と地震活動概況, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.71-76. Yuan Si-xun et al.: Radiocarbon dates(3), 14Cで測定した地質年代データ(3), 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, pp.77-79. Wang Jing-bo: Symposium on the Different Strong-Shock-Generating Structure Background on the Shallow Surface from that in the Deep Earth, 大地震発生機構の浅部および深部での差異に関する討論会開催, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.2, 1985, p.80. Sun Wu-cheng et al.: Preliminary study on crustal structures in the east of North China, 華北東部地区の地殻構造の初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.1-11. Deng Qian-hui et al.: Real time magnetotelluric sounding system, MT法のリアルタイム処理システム, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, p.12. Xia Rui-liang: Characteristic distribution of regional seismic stress field in the Anhui area, 安徽の地域地震応力場の分布特性, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.13-22. Guo Xiang: "Geological model and earthquakes migration in the northern part of North China" is in press, 〈華北北部地域の地質モデルと大地震の移動〉近日出版, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, p.22. Wen Xue-ze et al.: Neotectonic features of the Ganzi-Yushu fault zone and assessment of its earthquake risk, 甘孜−玉樹断層帯のネオテクトニクスの特徴と地震危険度の評価, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.23-32. Chen Fu-bin and Zhao Yong-tao: Preliminary study on age and deformation for consolidated sediments in the base of the valley, the lower reach of the Yalong River, ヤーロン江の下流河谷の下部未固結堆積物の年代と変形に関する初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.33-41. Yao Yan-zhi: Symposium on Qiongshan Earthquake of 1605 was held in Haikou, 1605年瓊山地震討論会、海口市で開催, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, p.42. Che Yong-tai and Yang Hui-nian: Discussion on mechanism of microbehaviour of groundwater level in a borehole, 井戸水位の微細動態の形成機構の研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.43-50. Tian Zhu-jun and Gu Yuan-zhu: Analysis and processing of data on fluctuations of ground-water level, 地下水位の微細動態データの解析と処理, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.51-59. Xu Shu-tong: A discussion on "The plastic deformation characteristics and regional strain field on the southern segment of the Tancheng- Lujiang fault zone", 〈タン廬断層帯南部の深層における塑性変動の特徴と局地的ひずみ場〉に関す る議論(タン:炎ヘンに邦のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.60-62. Editors: "The selected works of continental rifts and deep internal processes" is in press, 〈大陸地溝帯と深部過程〉論文集出版, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, p.62. Hao Xian-sheng et al.: Effect of the underlying bedrock slope on seismic ground motion in the Xuzhou area, 徐州市の地下の傾斜基盤の地震動への影響, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.63-72. Wang Sheng-zu and Shi Liang-qi: Asperity of sliding zone and two different kinds of sudden instabilities in rocks, 岩石の滑り断面のアスペリティーと2種の突然不安定, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, pp.73-80. Li Yu-long: The eastern deformation zone and offsetting of active fault associated with the Changma earthquake of 1932, 1932年昌馬地震の東部の地殻変動帯と活断層の水平ずれ現象(写真), 地震地質, Vol.7, No.3, 1985, 写真 4. Meng Xian-liang et al.: The investigations of deformation traces of Ms=8.0 earthquake in Hongtong, Shanxi Province, 山西洪洞M8.0地震地殻変動遺跡の研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.1-10. Liu Bai-chi and Zhou Jun-xi: The prehistoric major earthquakes for Haiyuan active fault, 海原活断層の先史大地震, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.11-21. Wang Wei-bin: The applications of lichenometry in seismic research, 地衣測量法の地震学研究への応用, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, p.22. Yang Jing-chun et al.: Investigation on the Holocene activities of Helan mountain piedmont fault by use of geomorphological method, 地形学的方法による賀蘭山の山麓断層の完新世の活動状況に関する研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.23-31. Yao Qing-yuan et al.: A preliminary study on the late Pleistocene stratigraphy along the coastal areas of southern Fujian, 福建南部沿海の後期更新世地層の初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.32-40. Xu Huai-ji and Guo Jin-di: Some problems of measuring temperature and pressure in the diamond-anvil ultrahigh pressure and high temperature device, ダイヤモンド・アンビルを使った超高圧装置の温度測定システムの検定と圧力測 定における雑光線ノイズについて, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.41-48. Feng Wei et al.: Experimental study on the release of sealed H2 from basalt rock under ultrasonic vibration, 超音波加振による玄武岩に含まれる水素の放出の実験的研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.49-55. Zhao Guo-ze and Liu Guo-dong: An inversion method on two-dimensional magnetotelluric model, 2次元MTモデルインバージョンの方法, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.56-58. Gui Kun-chang: A preliminary analysis on dynamic state of recent tectonic movement in the Wenan and Baxian area of the Hebei plain, 河北平原の文覇地域の現在の構造動態の初歩的解析, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.59-67. Lin Xiao-hui: The application of finite element analysis of microstrctural stress field to the study of causative mechanism of pressure solution, 微細構造応力場の有限要素解析による圧力溶解作用の形成機構の研究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.68-70. Yang Mei-e and Wang Wen-hu: Microstructure studies of some mantle peridotites in Cenozoic alkali-basalts from Fangshan, Liuhe County, Jiangsu Province, 江蘇省六合方山の新生代アルカリ玄武岩中のマントルかんらん岩の微細構造の研 究, 地震地質, Vol.7, No.4, 1985, pp.71-80. Liu Guang-xun et al.: Active tectonics and state of stress in seismic region of North-West Yunnan Province, China, 我国雲南省西北部地震活動域の活動構造と応力状態, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.1-14. Xiang Hong-fa et al.: Recent tectonic stress field in the northwest of the Yunnan Province, 雲南省西北地域の現在の構造応力場, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.15-23. Zhu Hai-zhi: Field investigation on strong Mexico earthquake of M=8.1, メキシコM8.1大地震の調査, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, p.24. Zheng Bing-hua: Qinghai-Xizang plateau lineaments and their characteristic activities, 青海チベット高原のリニアメントとその活動特性, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.25-32. Lin Zhuo-ran: International Symposium on ESR Dating, 第1回国際 ESR年代測定会議, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, p.32. Zhu Shu-jun and Sun Shou-cheng: Collation for the Southern-Yellow Sea seismic belt and some problems relating to seismicity, 南黄海地震区(帯)の改訂およびそれに関する問題, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.33-39. Bian Tu: Compilation and evaluation of "Atlas on the lithospheric dynamic of China", have come to an end, 〈中国岩石圏動力学図集〉の編集完了, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, p.40. Xia Huai-kuan and Zhang Xian-ze: Landforms of the coastal area of the Liaodong Peninsula and their representative neotectonic motion, 遼東半島沿海地域の海岸地形のネオテクトニック運動と地震, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.41-49. Yao Yan-zhi: "Meeting on Scientific Work of Historical Earthquakes" held in Hongzhou, 歴史地震討論会、杭州で開催, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, p.50. Yu Zhao-kang et al.: Preliminary researches on the effects of hydrogeochemistry caused by explosion of two types, 2種類の爆破の水文地球化学的な効果についての初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.51-58. Zhang Yan-bo: Characteristic of petrology of the Datong basalts, 大同地域の玄武岩の岩石学的特性, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.59-67. Wang Xiao-yuan: "Symposium on Nappe Structures and Regional Structures" held in Nanjing, 全国ナップ構造および地域構造学術討論会、南京市で開催, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, p.68. Yan Fu-hua et al.: Geological age and environment of the Dahocun site, Zhengzhou, from sporo-pollen data, 花粉の分析による鄭州大河村遺跡の地質年代と形成環境についての初歩的議論, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.69-74. Liu Jian-zhong and Li Zi-qiang: Discussion on tectonic stress field in the North China platform with hydrofracturing data, 水圧破砕法の結果による華北地区の構造応力場に関する議論, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.75-81. Yao Yan-zhi: "Symposium on Volcanic and Subvolcanic Rock and Metallogenesis", held in Hangzhou, 全国火山岩、2次火山岩および鉱床生成作用学術会議、杭州市で開催, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, p.82. Wang Sheng-zu and Shi Liang-qi: Asperity of sliding zone and two different kinds of sudden instabilities in rocks (in English), 岩石の滑り断面のアスペリティーと2種類の突発不安定(英文), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.83-93. Wang Tong-jun and Zhao Shu-qing: Frequency analysing system of acoustic emission signals, AE信号のスペクトル解析システム, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.1, 1986, pp.94-96. Du Yi-jun and Ma Jin: The b-value of acoustic emissions for the sample with "λ"-pattern cracks and the physical significance of the frequency-magnitude relation (in Chginese and English), “入”字形断層のAEのb値およびマグニチュードと頻度の関係の物理的意味 (中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.1-20. Yang Zhu-en et al.: Some SEM microtextures of quartzite from stick- slip and steady state slip experiments and their seismogeological significance, スティック・スリップとステーブル・スライディングの実験条件下における石英 岩の微細組織特性とその地震地質的意義, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.21-25. Zhang Ru-hui et al.: Experimental study on the measurement condition for quick thermal conductivity meter, QTM熱伝導度計の測定条件の研究, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.26-32. Chen Wei-guang et al.: The velocity of Holocene vertical tectonic motion in the coastal area of Fujian and Guangdong, 福建、広東沿海地区の完新世の上下構造運動の速度, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.33-42. Xu Ju-sheng et al.: Gravity measurements and their tectonic implication in East China Sea and adjacent regions, 中国東海と周辺地域における重力の測量結果およびその構造的意義, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.43-52. Jing Zhi-guo: Characteristics and mechanisms in recorded earthquakes by the level fluctuations in Log Yu 38, 河南省38号井で記録された地震の特性と発生機構の解析, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.53-60. Zhao Jing-zhen et al.: Vertical crustal deformation and variation of gravity field and recent crustal movement in the Tangyin graben and adjacent region, 湯陰地溝と隣接地域における地殻変動、重力場の変化と最近の地殻変動, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.61-67. Zhong Hua-bang: Hot springs have been discovered for the first time in the Liyang area Jiangsu Province, 江蘇省リ陽地域における活動温泉群の新発見(リ:サンズイに栗), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, p.68. Wu Jing-nong and Wu Mian-ba: Experimental research of rock fracture under pore-triaxial stress condition, 内部加圧3軸条件下における岩石破壊の実験研究, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.69-76. Guo Shun-min et al.: Fault displacement and recurrence intervals of earthquakes at the northern segment of the Honghe fault zone, Yunnan Province (in English), 雲南省紅河断層帯北部の断層変位と地震の繰り返し発生時間間隔(英文), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.77-90. He Yong-nian et al.: The activity of fault zone inferred from microstructural study of deformed rocks (in English), 変形岩石の微細構造特性による断層活動度の推定(英文), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, pp.91-96. Feng Xian-yue: Trace of the ancient earthquakes found in the Heizi reservoir in Xinjiang, 新疆黒孜ダムにおける古地震遺跡の発見, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.2, 1986, p.97. Ge Shu-mo et al.: Recurrence intervals of major earthquakes for the Koktokay-Ertai fault, カクトカイ(可可托海)−アルタイ(二台)活断層の大地震の繰り返し期間, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.1-9. Peng Gui and Jiao Wen-qiang: The radiocarbon dates of late Quaternary sediments of Yongsheng and Jinguan basins and their geological significances, 永勝、金官盆地の第四紀後期の堆積物の14C年代測定およびその地質学的意義, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, p.10. Chen Qiang: Mechanical research on gravitational structure - Mechanical analysis of listric faults (in Chinese and in English), 重力構造の力学的研究−階段形状断層の力学的解析(中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.11-31. Wang Wen-hu: First Symposium on Physical Model Test, held in Kunming, 第1回物理モデル実験学術討論会、昆明市で開催, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, p.31. Wang Xiao-yuan: National Symposium on Intvestigation of Continental Margin along the Southeast Coast held in Fujian Province, 全国東南沿海大陸縁辺構造実地調査学術討論会、福建で開催, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, p.32. Xia Qi-fa et al.: The seismogeological background of the Wuxijiang reservoir-induced seismicity, ウーシー(烏渓)江ダム地震の地震地質的背景, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.33-43. Xu Xi-wei et al.: Evidence on dextral dislocation of fault at the western foothills of Mt.Xizhoushan, Shanxi Province and its slip rate during the Holocene, 山西省系舟山西麓断層の右横ずれ運動の証拠と完新世における滑り速度, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.44-46. Zhu Shu-lian and Zhang Jia-ming: Behaviour of extending ground fissure in the Xi'an region, 西安における地割れの特徴についての試論, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.47-55. Geng Nai-guang et al.: Preliminary study on relationship between mechanical properties of gouge and water content, 断層粘土の力学的性質と含水量の関係についての初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.56-60. Li Run-jiang et al.: Preliminary study on the state of isostatic equilibrium in the Northeast China, 東北地区における重力均衡異常(アイソスタシー)の特性の初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.61-68. Xue Zhi-zhao: The relationship between focal depth and crustal structure for Tangshan earthquake, 唐山地震震源の深さ分布と地殻構造の関係, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.69-78. Sung Zi-an and Shi Jie-shan: Phase velocities of Love waves in China and calculations of crustal thickness, 我国内のラブ波の位相速度と地殻の厚さの計算, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.79-91. Xu Qi-hao: Formation and migration of Dongzhai Port in the northern Hainan Island and the major Qiongzhou earthquake of 1605, 海南島北部の東寨港の形成、変動および1605年の瓊州大地震, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.3, 1986, pp.92-96. Hu Yu-liang et al.: Induced seismicity at Hunanzhen reservoir, Zhejiang Province (in Chinese and in English), 浙江省湖南鎮地域の誘発地震(中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.1-25. Jin Guang-wen: One-dimensional inversion for the data on magnetotelluric phases, 大地電磁位相データの1次元インバージョン, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, p.26. Song Hui-zhen et al.: Analysis of stress field on fault on Liaodong Peninsula after Haicheng earthquake (in Chinese and in English), 海城地震後の遼東半島における断層応力場の研究(中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.27-49. Wang Ting-mei and Li Jian-ping: Supplement of the paleoearthquakes for Shangfangshan in the Fangshan County, 房山県上方山の古地震遺跡(補遺), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, p.50. Li Xiang-gen et al.: Active faults and their relationship with seismic activities in Dali of Yunnan Province and its adjacent regions, 雲南省大理地域とその周辺の活断層と地震活動の特性, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.51-61. Yao Yan-zhi: Scientific Meeting for Twentieth Anniversary of Xingtai Earthquake in Shijiazhuang, シン台地震20周年記念学術交流会、石家庄で開催(シン:形のヘンに邦のツ クリ), 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, p.62. Sun Yan et al.: Two kinds of characterized mylonites and their genesis and geologic significance, 2種類のマイロナイトの特性、成因およびその地質的意義, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.63-69. Chen Wen-ji: Introduction of Sixth International Conference of Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology (ICOG VI), 第6回国際地質年代学、宇宙年代学および同位元素地質大会の紹介, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, p.70. Zhong Yi-zhang et al.: Investigation of epicentre of Jinzhou M=6.0 earthquake of 1861, 1861年の金州M=6.0地震の震央位置についての議論, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.71-75. Wang Ruo-bai: Symposium on the Prediction of Earthquake held in West Berlin in 1986, 1986年西ベルリン地震予知シンポジウム概況, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, p.76. Wang Sheng-zu et al.: Effect of plastic components in rocks on the modes of instability, 岩石塑性成分の不安定モードへの影響, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.77-84. Che Yong-tai: On pore pressure parameter in saturated rock-soils, 岩石の空隙圧パラメータについて, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.85-90. Deng Qian-hui: Quantitative analyses on the calibrations of the induction magnetometer, 誘導磁力計の検定方法の定量的分析, 地震地質, Vol.8, No.4, 1986, pp.91-98. Zhang Jia-sheng and Lao Qiu-yuan: Basement weakness zones on North China platform and its relationship with seismic activity (in Chinese and in English), 華北台地の基盤弱化帯およびその地震との関係(中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.1-15. Wang Xiao-yuan: National Earthquake-Groundwater Networks of Observation has been established, 全国地震地下水観測網の建設, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, p.15. Yao Yan-zhi: Scientific and Commending Conference for 20-Year Seismic Works in Beijing, 中国地震事業20周年学術交流および表彰大会、北京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, p.16. Sun Wu-cheng et al.: A preliminary study on low velocity layer in the crust in North China, 華北地区の地殻低速度層についての初歩的議論, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.17-26. Gao Xin-xin et al.: Processing and interpretation of remote sensing information for the middle of Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone, タン城−廬江断層帯中部のリモート・センシング・データの処理と解釈(タン: 炎ヘンに邦のツクリ), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.27-34. Zhang Yu-ming et al.: Research on the fault activity for determination of the potential hypocentral area for the Liaodong Peninsula, 遼東半島の潜在震源域を判定する断層活動度の研究, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.35-41. Ding Meng-lin: Development of economic construction and consulting engineering seismological service, 経済建設の発展と地震工学コンサルタント業務, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.42-44. An Lin-ji and He Yong-nian: Estimate of differential flow stress and strain rate for Honghe fault zone (in Chinese and in English), 紅河断層帯における古流動差応力とひずみ速度の推定(中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.45-59. Li Qi: The Third National Symposium on Isotopic Geochemistry held in Yichang, 第3回全国同位体地球化学学術討論会、宜昌で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, p.60. Wang Wen-hu: First Symposium on Young Geochronology held in Beijing, 第1回若手地質年代学学術討論会、北京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, p.60. Li Jian-guo et al.: The mechanical properties of fault gouge of Honghe fault zone at high temperature and pressure, 紅河断層帯断層粘土の高温、高圧下における力学的性質の研究, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.61-71. Guo Cai-hua et al.: The experimental study of electrical properties of carbonate under high temperatures and pressures, 高温、高圧下における炭酸塩岩の電気的特性の実験的研究, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.72-76. Xu Jun-yuan: Approach to the mathematical expressions of the functions of shear strain γ(x) and distortion distance s(x) across ductile shear zones, 延性的せん断帯のひずみ関数γ(x)とねじれ距離関数 s(x)の数学的表現式につい て, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.77-84. Du Pin-ren: Analysis and application of data on the water level fluctuations in Ta-yuan well in Beijing, 北京塔院の井戸水位変化微細変化の解析と応用, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.85-90. Zhang Cun-de: Qionghai remote sensing ground tilt network has been established and tested, チョン海リモート・センシング傾斜計網の建設と試験(チョン:工ヘンに邦のツ クリ), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, p.90. Jiao Wen-qiang et al.: Radiocarbon dates(4), 14C法による地質年代測定データ(4), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.91-96. Wang Xiao-yuan: Symposium on Geology of Continental Margins held in Nanjing, 大陸縁辺地質国際学術会議、南京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, p.96. Luo Huan-yan and Zhang Shu-xia: Two dimensional finite element- boundary element coupling model of magnetotelluric sounding (English- Chinese), MT法探査における境界要素法と有限要素法の2次元カップリングモデル(中英 対訳), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.1-16. Ye Wen-hua: Quantitative relationship between the source parameters and the earthquake magnitudes, 震源断層の規模とマグニチュードの定量的関係, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.17-25. Li Yian-ping et al.: The preliminary paleomagnetic results of the lower Ordovician from the North Qilian Mts. Terrance, 北祁連山地塊におけるオルドビス紀前期の古地磁気測定の初歩的結果, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, p.26. Zhang Guo-min: Rhythmic characteristics of high seismic activity in China continent, 我国大陸の大地震活動のリズム特性, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.27-37. Yao Gan: "The Seismotectonic Map of China Based on Interpretation of Satellite Images" will be published, 中国衛星画像地震構造判読図(近日出版), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, p.38. Wang Liang-mou: Some features of strong earthquake activity in space and time variation and recent seismically active trend in North China, 華北地区大地震の時間−空間変化の特徴と最近の大地震活動の傾向, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.39-47. Wang Liang-mou: Landplan V-a Southwest Asian Symposium in Hong Kong (The Role of Geology in Urban Development), 東南アジア地域第3回都市域地質討論会、香港で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, p.47. Zi Niu: "Rare Events in Geology" -Second International Symposium in Beijing, 地質上の稀少事象第2回国際討論会、北京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, p.48. Ning Jie-yuan and Zang Shao-xian: The distribution of earthquakes and stress state in the Japan Sea and the Northeast China, 日本海と中国東北地区の地震の深さ分布とその応力状態, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.49-61. Jiao Wen-qiang et al.: TH-1 automatic carbide synthesizer has passed the test, TH-1型炭化物自動合成装置検定合格, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, p.61. Huang Xing-gen and Zhao Xi-tao: A preliminary discussion on the Quaternary transgression and the neotectonic movement in the Beijing area, 北京地域第四紀の海進とネオテクトニクスの初歩的解析, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.62-64. Gao Xiang-lin et al.: Three dimensional numerical modeling for the dynamics of the continental collision, 大陸衝突動力学の3次元数値モデリング, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.65-73. Feng Xian-yue: Paleoseismological study for Kaxhe fault zone, Xinjiang, カシュ河断層帯の古地震の研究, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.74-77. Guo Zi-qiang: Detect technique of electromagnetic feedback for GS-15 gravity meter, GS-15重力計の電磁フィードバック検出技術, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.78-84. Han Heng-yue et al.: The active faults in the earstern of the Weihe Basin, 渭河盆地東部地域における活断層, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.85-90. Cheng Guo-liang: 3rd National Symposium on Paleomagnetism, held in Guangzhou, 第3回全国古地磁気学術討論会、広州で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, p.90. Lin Jin-lu: A late Carboniferous paleogeographic reconstruction, 石炭紀末の古地理図, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.91-94. Cai Ke-ming: Penglai earthquake of 1548, 1548年蓬莱地震, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.2, 1987, pp.95-96. Xie Jue-min and Huang Li-ren: The vertical deformation before and after the Tangshan earthquake of 1976, 唐山地震前後の地殻上下運動, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.1-19. Wang Yuan: "Graphic Method for Protolith Metamorphic Rocks", 新刊書〈変成岩原岩の図解判定方法〉, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, p.19. Ji Feng-ju et al.: The age of active Longmenyi fault in Jianchuan County, Yunnan Province, 雲南省剣川竜門邑断層の活動年代, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, p.20. Xiang Jia-cui et al.: The recent characteristics of active main faults in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region, 北京、天津、唐山地域の活断層帯の地殻変動特性, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.21-28. Liang Hai-hua: A mathematical simulation of structural features in Fen-Wei fault basin zone, 汾渭断層盆地の構造特性の数値シミュレーション, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.29-37. Cai Ke-ming: About the location of Dengzhou earthquake of 1046 in Shandong Province, 1046年山東省登州地震の震央位置について, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, p.38. Pan Shan-de et al.: A primary study on tectonic earthquake and potential magnitude - An example of "λ" type structure, 構造地震と期待されるマグニチュードに関する初歩的研究−“入”字型構造の例, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.39-47. Kong Ling-chang and Chen Wen-ji: Preliminary study of He/Ar and N2/Ar ratios for groundwater and its geochemical characteristics, 地下水中のHe/Ar比とN2/Ar比といくつかの地球化学的特性の初歩的研究, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.48-50. Huang Xiu-ming et al.: Identification of fault activity using recent topographic data, 最近の地形データを用いた断層活動度の判定, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.51-60. Guo Shun-min et al.: Late Quaternary scarps and earthquakes on the Mackay segment of the Lost River fault in central Idaho, United States, アメリカ合衆国中部アイダホのロスト・リバー断層のマッケイ・セグメントにお ける第四紀後期断層崖と地震, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.61-70. Li An-ran et al.: Characteristics of gravity field in the Three-Gorges region, western Hubei Province and its seismotectonic significance, 湖北省西部の三峡地域における重力場の特性とその地震構造的意義, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.71-78. Lu Shou-an et al.: Induced earthquakes by injecting and leaking water in Jiao 7 oil well, Shandong Province - Macroscopic phenomena on ground surface and characteristics of earthquake swarm activity, 山東省角07号油井の注(漏)水による誘発地震−地表面における宏観現象と群発 地震活動特性, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.79-83. Diao Shou-zhong et al.: Induced earthquakes by injecting and leaking water in Jiao 7 oil well, Shandong Province - Characteristics of the focal parameters and earthquake sequences, 山東省角07号油井の注(漏)水による誘発地震−震源パラメータと地震系列の特 性, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.84-89. Wu Shao-wu: Bentonite clay and ground deformation, 膨張土と地盤変動, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.3, 1987, pp.90-96. Ma Sheng-li and Ma Jin: Experimental study on deformation fabrics of quartz and calcite in shear zone (in Chinese and in English), 石英と方解石のせん断帯の変形ファブリックに関する実験的研究(中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.1-17. Yao Yan-zhi: Symposium on Geology and Seismology of Taiwan Strait and of Its Both Coasts held in Fuzhou, 台湾海峡とその両岸の地質と地震の研究討論会、福州で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, p.18. Jin Ya-min and Yu Xin-chang: Dynamic variation of composite fault plane solution of small earthquakes in the North China, 華北地区の小地震複合断層面解の動的変化, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.19-31. Liang Hai-qing et al.: Analysis of present stress state in Fangshan granodiorite mass and its surroundings in Beijing, 北京市房山花崗閃緑岩体とその付近の現在の応力状態の分析, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.32-40. Lu Yan-chou: 5th International Specialist Seminar on Thermoluminescence and Electron-Spin-Resonance Dating, 5-10 July, 1987, Cambridge, England, “第5回国際サーモ・ルミネッセンス法およびESR法年代測定シンポジウム”紹介, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, p.40. Lin Jin-lu: Mechanism for crustal thickening in Tibet: A paleomagnetic view (in Chinese and in English), 古地磁気から見た青海チベット高原の地殻の厚さの増加機構(中英対訳), 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.41-54. Hong Han-jing: 2th Symposium on Tectonophysics held in Wudu, Gansu Province, 第2回構造物理学術会、甘粛省武都で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, p.48. Zhang An-liang and Mi Feng-shou: Discussion on genesis of recent Longwan-Shangyukou fracture zone in Hancheng County, Shaanxi Province, 陜西省韓城竜湾−上峪口地域における現在の破砕帯の成因に関する議論, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.55-61. Lu Yan-chou: 12th INQUA Congress, 31 July- 9 August, 1987, Ottawa, Canada, 国際第四紀研究連合会第12回大会の紹介, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, p.61. Wang Xiao-yuan: International Symposium on Tectonic Evolution and Dynamics of Continental Lithosphere - The Third All China Conference on Tectonics, 24-28, August, 1987, Beijing, 国際大陸岩石圏構造進化と動力学学術討論会−第3回全国構造会議、北京で開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, p.62. Zhang Jia-sheng: Two-phase deformation in the fault zone and related earthquake generation, 断層帯中の2相変形と地震の原因についての議論, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.63-70. An Ou: Analysis of observing data for seismic source dynamic from earth's rotation in East Asia continent, 東アジア大陸の地震と地球回転観測データの解析, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.71-80. Jin Guang-wen: Joint interpretation of the apparent resistivities and impedance phases from magnetotelluric data, MT法によるみかけ電気比抵抗とインピーダンス・フェーズ・データの総合的解 釈, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.81-86. Wang Ke-ren and Wang Li-yun: Multi-address digital water-table remote system (SSY-1), SSY-1型ディジタルマルチ・アドレス式水位テレメータ・システム, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, pp.87-94. Yao Yan-zhi: Symposium on Entropy and Interdisciplinary Sciences held in Urumqi, エントロピーと学際科学研究討論会、ウルムチで開催, 地震地質, Vol.9, No.4, 1987, p.94.