尾池和夫 論文リスト(1991年〜)

143 2000  Maria Leonila P. Bautista and Kazuo Oike: Estimation of the 
          magnitudes and epicenters of Philippine historical earthquakes,
          Tectonophysics, Vol.317,2000,137-169.

142 2000  三浪俊夫・山崎義典・尾池和夫:日本の群発地震のデータベースにつ

141 1999  Yamada,T. and K.Oike: On the electromagnetic noises before and
          after the 1995 Hyogo-Ken Nanbu Earthquake, Atmos.Ionos.
          Electromagn. Phen. Assoc.Earthq.,1999,417-427.
140 1999  Hori,T. and K.Oike: A physical mechanism for temporal 
          variation in seismicity in Southwest Japan related to great
          interplate earthquakes along the Nantai trough, Tectonophysics,
139 1999  Ikuo Cho,Yoko Muramatsu,Reiji Kobayashi,Ichiro Nakanishi and 
          Kazuo Oike:Analyses of Data Recorded by the Network System 
          for Observations of Earthquake Responses in the Kyoto Area,
          Journal of Natural Disaster Science,Vol.20,No.2,1999,49-55.
138 1998  岡田篤正、渡辺満久・鈴木康弘・慶在福・*華龍・金性均・尾池和夫

137 1998  堀高峰・尾池和夫:南海トラフ沿いのプレート境界巨大地震前後にお

136 1998  尾池和夫・堀高峰:東アジアの地震と震災の歴史,科学,Vol.68,No.5,

135 1997 尾池和夫:地震と日本の都市,都市問題研究,vol.49,no.1,1997,3-13.

134 1996 堀高峰・尾池和夫:西南日本内帯の地震統計モデルによる次の南海地

133 1996 尾池和夫:京都とその周辺地域の有感地震データベース(416年〜199

132 1996 J.B.Kyung, K.Oike, and T.Hori:Temporal variations in seismic 
     and volcanic activity and relationship with stress fields 
     in East Asia, Tectonophysics, 267,1996,331-342.

131 1996 Takane HORI and Kazuo OIKE:A statistical model of temporal
     variation of seismicity in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan 
     related to the great interplate earthquakes along the Nankai 
     trough, Jour.Phys.Earth,44,349-356.

130 1996 J.B.Kyung, K.Oike, and T.Hori:Temporal variations in seismic 
     and volcanic activity and relationship with stress fields 
     in East Asia, Tectonophysics, 267,1996,331-342.

129 1996 Takane HORI and Kazuo OIKE:A statistical model of temporal 
     variation of seismicity in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan 
     related to the great interplate earthquakes along the Nankai 
     trough, Jour.Phys.Earth,44,349-356.

128 1996 Toshiharu YAMADA and Kazuo OIKE:Electromagnetic radiation 
     phenomena before and after Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake,Jour.

127 1996 尾池和夫:史料による近畿中部の地震と震災の調査,阪神・淡路大震災

126 1996 尾池和夫:南海トラフと琉球海溝の地震活動変化,地震予知連絡会会報,

125 1996 尾池和夫他:反射法地震探査による伊勢湾断層の深部形態,地震予知連

124 1996 尾池和夫:阪神・淡路大震災誌、第1章総論・1995年兵庫県南部

123 1995 堀高峰・尾池和夫:南海トラフの大地震前後における西南日本内帯の

122 1995 山田聡治・尾池和夫:1995年兵庫県南部地震前後の電波障害の調

121 1995 山田聡治・尾池和夫:1995年兵庫県南部地震前後に観測された電

120 1995 堀高峰・尾池和夫:南海トラフのM8級地震前後の西南日本内帯の地

119 1995 尾池和夫・堀高峰・山田聡治:1995年兵庫県南部地震に先行した

118 1994 尾池和夫・山田聡治:地震に伴う電磁放射の波形記録システムと1993

117 1994 尾池和夫・慶在福・堀高峰・Ma. Leonila P. Bautista:東アジアの地

116 1994 Yamada,T. and K.Oike: New observation systems of electro-
     magnetic radiation related to earthquakes, Electromagnetic 
          Phenomena Related to Earthquake Prediction,(Ed.)M.Hayakawa and
     Y.Fujinawa, TERRA Sci. Pub., 451-458.

115 1994 Oike,K. and T. Yamada: On the relationship between shallow 
     earthquakes and electromagnetic noises in the LF and VLF 
     ranges,Electromagnetic Phenomena Related to Earthquake 
     Prediction,(Ed.)M.Hayakawa and Y.Fujinawa, TERRA Sci. Pub.,

114 1994 岡田篤正・渡辺満久・佐藤比呂志・全 明純・曹 華龍・金 性均・
     田 正秀・池 憲哲・尾池和夫:梁山断層(韓国東南部)中央部の活
     断層地形とトレンチ調査,地学雑誌,Vol.103,No.2, 111-126.

113 1993 尾池和夫:地震学と統計学,統計数理,41,251-266.

112 1993 Hori, T. and K. Oike: Increase of intraplate seismicity in 
     Southwest Japan before and after interplate earthquakes along 
     Nankai trough, Proceedings of the 1993 Joint Conference of 
     Seismology in East Asia, Tottori, Japan, 103-106.

111 1993 Okada, A., M. Watanabe, H. Sato, M.S. Jun, J.S. Jeon, H.C. Chi,
     S.K. Kim and K. Oike: Active fault topography and trench 
     survey at the central part of the Yangsan fault, southeast 
     Korea, Proceedings of the 1993 Joint Conference of Seismology 
     in East Asia, Tttori, Japan, 64-65.

110 1993 Oike, K. et al.: Japan-Korea Joint Observation of Microearth-
     quakes in Korea Peninsula (2) Observation in the Southern Part 
     of the Yangsan Fault Region, Proceedings of the 1993 Joint 
     Conference of Seismology in East Asia, Tottori, Japan, 62-63.

109 1993 Yamada, T., T. Hori, K. Oike and T. Ohkura: Crustal structure 
     in the southeastern region of Korea determined from P-wave 
     travel times of explosions, Proceedings of the 1993 Joint 
     Conference of Seismology in East Asia, Tottori, Japan, 66-72.

108 1993 尾池和夫:本格的に始まった地震学の日韓協力,学術月報,Vol.46,

107 1993 尾池和夫:フィリピンの地震の歴史,月刊地球,Vol.15,No.12,773-777.

106 1993 尾池和夫・村上寛史:地震と空電ノイズとの関係について, 防災科学
     技術研究資料, 157, 221-251.

105 1993 尾池和夫・村上寛史・永井敏雄:浅発地震と落雷との関係について, 
     防災科学技術研究資料, 157, 253-272.

104 1993 Sung Kyun Kim et al.: Trans Korean Peninsula-Japanese Island 
     Seismic Observation and Analysis; Seismic Observation of Broad 
     Band and Wide Dynamic Range at Pohang STS Observatory, Korea, 
     Jour. Korean Inst. Mining Geol., 26, 97-106.

103 1992 Samardieva, E. and K. Oike: Modelling the number of casualties 
     from earthquakes, Jour. Natural Disas. Sci., 14, 17-28.

102 1992 Oike, K.: International cooperation in natural disaster 
     science - the Role of Japan -, Technology and Development, 5,

101 1992 日中地震予知共同研究西安グループ:渭河盆地(中国陝西省)の活断
     成果報告, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst., Suppl. Vol.7(1992), 1-186.

100 1992 Watanabe, K. and K. Oike: Seismic activity and crustal 
     deformation preceding an earthquake of M5.6 at the Yamasaki 
     fault, southwest Japan, Proc. Int. Conf. Continental Earth-
     quakes, Beijing, 1-13.

99 1992 K. Hirahara et al.: Three-Dimensional P and S Wave Velocity 
     Structure in the Focal Region of the 1984 Western Nagano 
     Prefecture Earthquake, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 343-360.

98 1992 F. Yamazaki et al.: Focal Mechanism Analyses of Aftershocks of 
     the 1984 Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake, J. Phys. Earth,
     40, 327-341.

97 1992 S. Horiuchi et al.: Hypocenter locations by a dense network,
     J. Phys. Earth, 40, 313-326.

96 1992 Jiren Xu, Zhixin Zhao and Kazuo Oike: Spatiotemporal 
     distribution of seismic activity in East Asia and its relation 
     to regional stress field, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 5, 263-269.

95 1992 趙志新・尾池和夫・松村一男・徐紀人:中国大陸性地震的余震活動的
     p値, 地震学報, 14, 9-16.

94 1992 尾池和夫・松村一男・石川有三・岡田 弘・平井邦彦:自然災害資料

93 1992 J. Xu, Z. Zhixin and K. Oike: Focal mechanisms of earthquakes 
     in the Hindukush-Pamir region and its tectonic implication, 
     Mem. Faculty of Science, Kyoto Univ., Ser. Phys. Astrophys. 
     Geophys. Chem., 38, 99-128.

92 1992 尾池和夫・石川有三・清水 洋:日本列島周辺のプレート境界巨大地
 91 1991 竹内文朗・渋谷拓郎・尾池和夫・大倉敬宏・松村一男・李徳利:中国

90 1991 中尾節郎・渋谷拓郎・西田良平・佃為成・尾池和夫:地震活動帯にお

89 1991 尾池和夫:1990年フィリピン地震前後のフィリピン海プレート沈み込

88 1991 K.Oike: Data base of natural disasters as a fundamental work
     during IDNDR - On the relation between magnitude and disaster
     by earthquake as an example -, Work Shop of IAEE in Tokyo. 

87 1991 徐紀人・趙志新・尾池和夫:東亜地震活動的時空分布及其与区域応力

86 1991 K.Oike: A discussion on the relation between magnitude and
     the number of the dead by earhquake, International Seminar on
     Earthquake Prediction and Hzard Mitigation Technology, 1-9. 

85 1991 尾池和夫・中田高:1990年7月16日フィリピン地震,科学,Vol.61,